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Firefox won't work

Hello, Mozilla will not work - it looks like it's trying to load a page but nothing happens. Then the crash reporter kicks in - but it never actually sends the crash rep… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)


Mozilla will not work - it looks like it's trying to load a page but nothing happens. Then the crash reporter kicks in - but it never actually sends the crash report. (I'll copy it here) I've tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it - it doesn't help. Tried disabling the antivirus and firewall (which had never been a problem before) but that doesn't help either. So if you can, please help :)

AdapterDeviceID: 0x1b81 AdapterDriverVersion: AdapterSubsysID: 37031458 AdapterVendorID: 0x10de Add-ons: formautofill%40mozilla.org:1.0.1,pictureinpicture%40mozilla.org:1.0.0,screenshots%40mozilla.org:39.0.1,webcompat%40mozilla.org:121.0.0,default-theme%40mozilla.org:1.3,addons-search-detection%40mozilla.com:2.0.0,google%40search.mozilla.org:1.4,amazondotcom%40search.mozilla.org:1.7,wikipedia%40search.mozilla.org:1.3,bing%40search.mozilla.org:1.6,ddg%40search.mozilla.org:1.4 AvailablePageFile: 2743808000 AvailablePhysicalMemory: 6642008064 AvailableVirtualMemory: 3497058304 BackgroundTaskMode: 0 BlockedDllList: BuildID: 20240108143603 CPUMicrocodeVersion: 0xb4 ContentSandboxCapable: 1 ContentSandboxLevel: 6 ContentSandboxWin32kState: Win32k Lockdown enabled -- default value is true CrashTime: 1705593581 DOMFissionEnabled: 1 DOMIPCEnabled: 1 EMCheckCompatibility: true ExperimentalFeatures: devtools.inspector.compatibility.enabled GPUProcessLaunchCount: 1 GPUProcessStatus: Running GpuSandboxLevel: 1 HeadlessMode: 0 InstallTime: 1705592987 LastStartupWasCrash: 0 LauncherProcessState: 0 ModuleSignatureInfo: {"ESET, spol. s r.o.":["eOppBrowser.dll"],"Microsoft Windows":["MMDevAPI.dll","d3d9.dll","ntasn1.dll","ncrypt.dll","Windows.Security.Integrity.dll","avrt.dll","d3dcompiler_47.dll","dataexchange.dll","AudioSes.dll","explorerframe.dll","wscapi.dll","directmanipulation.dll","d3d11.dll","BCP47mrm.dll","Windows.Globalization.dll","winsta.dll","ColorAdapterClient.dll","mscms.dll","dcomp.dll","Windows.UI.Immersive.dll","twinapi.appcore.dll","WindowManagementAPI.dll","Windows.UI.dll","npmproxy.dll","netprofm.dll","dbgcore.dll","DWrite.dll","ktmw32.dll","twinapi.dll","wsock32.dll","cscapi.dll","ntshrui.dll","OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll","OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll","winnsi.dll","winhttp.dll","ondemandconnroutehelper.dll","wininet.dll","Bcp47Langs.dll","DXCore.dll","linkinfo.dll","TextInputFramework.dll","resourcepolicyclient.dll","dwmapi.dll","wtsapi32.dll","FWPUCLNT.DLL","rasadhlp.dll","nlaapi.dll","pnrpnsp.dll","NapiNSP.dll","dnsapi.dll","dhcpcsvc6.DLL","CoreMessaging.dll","CoreUIComponents.dll","WinTypes.dll","InputHost.dll","dxgi.dll","uxtheme.dll","winrnr.dll","dhcpcsvc.dll","umpdc.dll","wshbth.dll","powrprof.dll","version.dll","gpapi.dll","devobj.dll","drvstore.dll","cryptnet.dll","msasn1.dll","cryptbase.dll","rsaenh.dll","cryptsp.dll","ntmarta.dll","dbghelp.dll","mswsock.dll","sspicli.dll","winmm.dll","IPHLPAPI.DLL","userenv.dll","iertutil.dll","netutils.dll","srvcli.dll","urlmon.dll","profapi.dll","propsys.dll","kernel.appcore.dll","wldp.dll","windows.storage.dll","SHCore.dll","bcryptPrimitives.dll","ucrtbase.dll","advapi32.dll","gdi32.dll","clbcatq.dll","cfgmgr32.dll","ole32.dll","imagehlp.dll","bcrypt.dll","psapi.dll","win32u.dll","crypt32.dll","sechost.dll","wintrust.dll","oleaut32.dll","user32.dll","shlwapi.dll","imm32.dll","msvcrt.dll","rpcrt4.dll","KERNELBASE.dll","kernel32.dll","msvcp_win.dll","combase.dll","msctf.dll","ws2_32.dll","setupapi.dll","gdi32full.dll","nsi.dll","shell32.dll","ntdll.dll"],"Microsoft Windows Software Compatibility Publisher":["msvcp140.dll","VCRUNTIME140.dll"],"Mozilla Corporation":["firefox.exe","libEGL.dll","osclientcerts.dll","libGLESv2.dll","nssckbi.dll","freebl3.dll","softokn3.dll","xul.dll","lgpllibs.dll","gkcodecs.dll","nss3.dll","mozglue.dll"]} MozCrashReason: Shutdown hanging at step XPCOMShutdown. Something is blocking the main-thread. Notes: FP(D00-L1000-W0000100-T000) DWrite? DWrite+ WR? WR+ WebGL? EGL? EGL- GL Context? GL Context- GL Context+ WebGL+ ProductID: {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} ProductName: Firefox ReleaseChannel: release SafeMode: 0 SecondsSinceLastCrash: 524 ShutdownProgress: xpcom-shutdown ShutdownReason: AppRestart StartupCacheValid: 1 StartupCrash: 0 StartupTime: 1705593263 SubmittedFrom: Client SystemMemoryUsePercentage: 61 TelemetryEnvironment: {"build":{"applicationId":"{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}","applicationName":"Firefox","architecture":"x86","buildId":"20240108143603","version":"121.0.1","vendor":"Mozilla","displayVersion":"121.0.1","platformVersion":"121.0.1","xpcomAbi":"x86-msvc","updaterAvailable":true},"partner":{"distributionId":null,"distributionVersion":null,"partnerId":null,"distributor":null,"distributorChannel":null,"partnerNames":[]},"system":{"memoryMB":16344,"virtualMaxMB":4096,"cpu":{"isWindowsSMode":false,"count":12,"cores":6,"vendor":"GenuineIntel","name":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 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MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IP] : 2 : 2 : 2 : 17 : 0x20609 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : e70f1aa0-ab8b-11cf-8ca3-00805f48a192 
MSAFD Tcpip [RAW/IP] : 2 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0x20609 : 0xc : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : e70f1aa0-ab8b-11cf-8ca3-00805f48a192 
MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IPv6] : 2 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0x20066 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : f9eab0c0-26d4-11d0-bbbf-00aa006c34e4 
MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IPv6] : 2 : 23 : 2 : 17 : 0x20609 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : f9eab0c0-26d4-11d0-bbbf-00aa006c34e4 
MSAFD Tcpip [RAW/IPv6] : 2 : 23 : 3 : 0 : 0x20609 : 0xc : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : f9eab0c0-26d4-11d0-bbbf-00aa006c34e4 
AF_UNIX : 2 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0x20026 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : a00943d9-9c2e-4633-9b59-0057a3160994 
RSVP TCPv6 Service Provider : 2 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0x22066 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 9d60a9e0-337a-11d0-bd88-0000c082e69a 
RSVP TCP Service Provider : 2 : 2 : 1 : 6 : 0x22066 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 9d60a9e0-337a-11d0-bd88-0000c082e69a 
RSVP UDPv6 Service Provider : 2 : 23 : 2 : 17 : 0x22609 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 9d60a9e0-337a-11d0-bd88-0000c082e69a 
RSVP UDP Service Provider : 2 : 2 : 2 : 17 : 0x22609 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 9d60a9e0-337a-11d0-bd88-0000c082e69a 
Hyper-V RAW : 2 : 34 : 1 : 1 : 0x20026 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 1234191b-4bf7-4ca7-86e0-dfd7c32b5445 
MSAFD L2CAP [Bluetooth] : 2 : 32 : 1 : 256 : 0x20006 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 9fc48064-7298-43e4-b7bd-181f2089792a 
MSAFD RfComm [Bluetooth] : 2 : 32 : 1 : 3 : 0x20026 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 9fc48064-7298-43e4-b7bd-181f2089792a

XPCOMSpinEventLoopStack: default: RemoteWorkerService::Observe|nsThread::Shutdown: ProxyResolution useragent_locale: en-US

This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.

Ερώτηση από Jean Valjean 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από Jean Valjean 8 μήνες πριν

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DRM addons not loading after upgrade to Firefox 64bit from Firefox 32bit

After a crash earlier today within my 32bit install of Firefox, I upgraded to the 64bit version. Since then I have not been able to play videos from sites that utilize DR… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

After a crash earlier today within my 32bit install of Firefox, I upgraded to the 64bit version. Since then I have not been able to play videos from sites that utilize DRM.

I have tried the following:

  1. Check and Uncheck "Play DRM content"
  2. Check for updates while in the addons related page.
  3. Checked my hosts file which is blank
  4. Stopped my AV and attempted to update as well as Enable/Disable Play DRM
  5. Get a 404 when attempting to go to "redirector . gvt1 . com" site.

When I looked in my profile directory, I noted that both the "gmp-gmpopenh264" and "gmp-widevinecdm" directories are empty. I found and downloaded the most recent openh264 dll for windows 64bit. Firefox continues to say "OpenH264 Video Codec provided by Cisco Systems, Inc. will be installed shortly." I have not found the most recent wildevine version so I have not tried to update it manually.

Could there be something squirrelly with my user profile that needs to be rebuilt? (I can export the bookmarks, etc) The 32bit Firefox crashed with no messages while watching a live YouTube stream. I just installed over without uninstalling the previous version. I was afraid of losing my current settings. The crash caused my "previous session" to be lost.

Ερώτηση από gritts3 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από cor-el 8 μήνες πριν

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Last update broke add-ons overflow menu

After the last update, my add-ons overflow menu no longer works from the puzzle icon. It won't expand completely and you can't scroll down, therefore, I can't add or remo… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

After the last update, my add-ons overflow menu no longer works from the puzzle icon. It won't expand completely and you can't scroll down, therefore, I can't add or remove add-ons to the bar. See Image.

Ερώτηση από D A 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από D A 7 μήνες πριν

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captcha not working...never ends

On a couple of websites, but in particular Rogers.com, the captcha just never ends. It asks to click on all the bicycles, I click on them one at a time until no more app… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

On a couple of websites, but in particular Rogers.com, the captcha just never ends. It asks to click on all the bicycles, I click on them one at a time until no more appear, hit verify, it brings up something else. It will do this dozens of times and just never ever end.

Switch over to Edge, does the same. Switched to chrome and it works fine. Has google done something to captcha to deny it working on other browsers?

I have checked to see firefox is up to date and it is. I have disabled all extensions/addons. I have run malware/virus scans. On the Rogers community forums there are all kinds of people having problems but there are no solutions on how to fix. Oddly (or not) the problems are similar...captcha won't work on Edge, Firefox but will work on Chrome.

Ερώτηση από Rye Encoke 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από zeroknight 8 μήνες πριν

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Scheduling an appointment on the Safelite website in Firefox crashes my computer

If I go to Safelite and start scheduling an appointment, navigating through that set of webpages will cause my computer to green screen/crash. The landing page at https:/… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

If I go to Safelite and start scheduling an appointment, navigating through that set of webpages will cause my computer to green screen/crash. The landing page at https://safelite.com asks for a zip code, and submitting that form puts you into the scheduling flow; after entering some details about a vehicle, I can click back and continue a few times (less than ten) to make my computer crash. I was able to reproduce the issue in troubleshooting mode. I also tried the same steps in Chrome, but it did not produce a crash.

This computer has had an issue with crashing in this manner for a while now, but this is the first thing I've noticed consistently causes a crash. I'm not expecting a solution, but I am hoping to close in on the issue; whether or not Firefox is the source here is questionable, but it does seem highly entangled.

Ερώτηση από drgn170 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από drgn170 8 μήνες πριν

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Import Passwords

I have followed various threads about importing my passwords without any success. I recently swapped PCs so I exported passwords and bookmarks to disk to install on the… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

I have followed various threads about importing my passwords without any success.

I recently swapped PCs so I exported passwords and bookmarks to disk to install on the new PC.

The bookmarks have imported ok but the passwords are in the CSV format created by Mozilla on export from the old PC and there is no option to import a CSV which seems a bit crazy.

I cannot find a way to import this data. I have tried syncing with my laptop to get the passwords but that doesn't work either.

If anyone could help me resolve this problem I would be very grateful.

Many thanks,


Ερώτηση από Mark Eustace 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από Mark Eustace 8 μήνες πριν

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Netflix and websites of banks ask for update FF, although I have 121.0.1

Dear reader, Websites like Netflix and websites banks ask for an update of FF,although I have the latest, 121.0.1 Netflix doesn't allow me to enter the website (see scre… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

Dear reader,

Websites like Netflix and websites banks ask for an update of FF,although I have the latest, 121.0.1 Netflix doesn't allow me to enter the website (see screendump) The ASN-bank asks for an update but I can work around it (see screendump) Screendumps are in Dutch, they text is about asking for an update.

Can you help me out to fix this?

Thanks in advance. Frans

Ερώτηση από Frans 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από Frans 7 μήνες πριν

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No audio device in Windows 11

I've been having this reoccurring firefox bug every couple of months where randomly all audio from the application stops working is no longer available in the volume mixe… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

I've been having this reoccurring firefox bug every couple of months where randomly all audio from the application stops working is no longer available in the volume mixer of windows 11 (see example screenshot with twitch tab in background playing)

In the past, I was able to fix this issue by simply restarting the audisrv service and everything would work normally but now nothing I do seems to work. I've tried:

- Resetting - Uninstall/reinstall - Disabled all extensions - New profile

I do not have this issue on firefox dev or firefox nightly. If anyone has any ideas on how I could resolve or better diagnose this issue it would be much appreciated! TIA

Ερώτηση από Gio 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από Gio 7 μήνες πριν

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Youtube very laggy recently?

basically just the title. In the last couple days youtube.com specifically has been borderline unusable for me on firefox. All other websites work fine for me on firesfox… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

basically just the title. In the last couple days youtube.com specifically has been borderline unusable for me on firefox. All other websites work fine for me on firesfox and youtube has no issues on other browsers.

Ερώτηση από Dartagnan Rozycki 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από TyDraniu 8 μήνες πριν

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AddBlockers Stopping Site Views

Cannot view FoxNews.com and FoxBusiness.com due to add blockers. I have disabled all blocker extensions - that did not work. I have turned off enhanced tracking protect… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

Cannot view FoxNews.com and FoxBusiness.com due to add blockers. I have disabled all blocker extensions - that did not work. I have turned off enhanced tracking protection for those sites - that did not work. I have opened in troubleshooting mode - that did not help. What else do I need to try?

I use Kaspersky so I will start trial-and error there next.

Ερώτηση από Rick 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από Rick 8 μήνες πριν

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Unable to open web page, "application/octet-stream " error

I'm trying to open a web page, which worked perfectly until about a week ago. The address is: https://xdaforums.com/f/xiaomi-poco-x3-pro.12163/ I now get a popup window,… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

I'm trying to open a web page, which worked perfectly until about a week ago. The address is: https://xdaforums.com/f/xiaomi-poco-x3-pro.12163/

I now get a popup window, which tells me that I'm trying to open a "application/octet-stream (377 bytes)" and gives me the option of "open with" or "save file".

I don't want to do either, just view the page as before.

Ερώτηση από zapzog 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από cor-el 8 μήνες πριν

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Automaticaly save images to the downloads directory without going through the popup window.

How to save images to the downloads directory (that I chose in settings) without using right click -> save image as .. -> popup window .. then choose the location w… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

How to save images to the downloads directory (that I chose in settings) without using right click -> save image as .. -> popup window .. then choose the location where I want to save it.

I tried alt+click, it didn't work, it saves the webpage url instead of the image. I prefer a solution that does not involve any add-ons.

OS: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS Firefox version: 121.0.1 (64-bit)

Thank you.

Ερώτηση από gouyez 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από zeroknight 8 μήνες πριν

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firefox 121.0.1 is blocking website widget?

Hi I am the admin site owner of the above site on th site we have a widget that lets us monitor who is in our teamspeak server from the home page this was working great u… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

Hi I am the admin site owner of the above site on th site we have a widget that lets us monitor who is in our teamspeak server from the home page this was working great until I and other members updated to firefox 121.0.1. 2 days ago, now we get this message in the widget frame insted.

Firefox Can’t Open This Page To protect your security, server.nitrado.net will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see this page, you need to open it in a new window.

I contacted Nitrado support after reading this https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/xframe-neterror-page They say they have fixed the issue but it still present after reinstalling the widget, clearing cache (server and firefox app) and server restart, this is effecting all our uses who use firefox, which is all of them :( can anyone help?

Ερώτηση από drstig 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από zeroknight 8 μήνες πριν

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Firefox remembers data previously entered into a form

I have noticed that my browser saves certain data that was filled into forms on websites such as contact info, or 2FA codes. Of course, the all options for Logins and Pas… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

I have noticed that my browser saves certain data that was filled into forms on websites such as contact info, or 2FA codes. Of course, the all options for Logins and Passwords as well as Forms and Autofill are turned off. So I wonder, what causes this behavior? I would maybe think these are some cookies, but after clearing them and deleting all site data this still happens. For 2FA codes this is harmless. but I'm concerned Firefox may do this for passwords too. Anyway, why would I need to save info of TOTP?

Note: Example is for SimpleLogin.

Ερώτηση από Kamil 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από cor-el 8 μήνες πριν

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Firefox has taken over PDFs

In the last few days whenever I download a PDF file instead of it being displayed in my default PDF read Firefox (version 121.0.1) takes over and displays the contents of… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

In the last few days whenever I download a PDF file instead of it being displayed in my default PDF read Firefox (version 121.0.1) takes over and displays the contents of the file. I do not want this, I prefer my PDF reader! How do I stop Firefox trying to take over this function? (other than converting to Chrome)

Ερώτηση από Tony 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από Tony 8 μήνες πριν

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Sync failure PC/IOS

Trying to sync between my PC and my iphone. Every time I've attempted it I've gotten this type of error report. And when I press sync on my iphone it tells me that sync i… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

Trying to sync between my PC and my iphone. Every time I've attempted it I've gotten this type of error report. And when I press sync on my iphone it tells me that sync is offline. I've logged out and back in a few times on both devices and I've also tried turning sync on and off again and it's not working. Tried syncing again and it didn't show up on my other pc either.

1705467584142 Sync.LogManager DEBUG Flushing file log 1705467584145 FirefoxAccounts TRACE not checking freshness of profile as it remains recent 1705467584145 FirefoxAccounts TRACE not checking freshness of profile as it remains recent 1705467584145 FirefoxAccounts TRACE not checking freshness of profile as it remains recent 1705467584145 FirefoxAccounts TRACE not checking freshness of profile as it remains recent 1705467584148 Sync.LogManager DEBUG Log cleanup threshold time: 1704603584148 1705467584158 Sync.LogManager DEBUG Done deleting files. 1705467586817 Sync.Engine.Tabs.Tracker DEBUG Detected a tab change, but conditions aren't met for a quick write or a score bump 1705467587873 Sync.Engine.Tabs.Tracker DEBUG Detected a tab change, but conditions aren't met for a quick write or a score bump 1705467588918 Sync.Engine.Tabs.Tracker DEBUG Detected a tab change, but conditions aren't met for a quick write or a score bump 1705467588923 Sync.Engine.Tabs.Tracker DEBUG Detected a tab change, but conditions aren't met for a quick write - bumping score 1705468406145 FirefoxAccounts TRACE observed topic=push-message, data=chrome://fxa-device-update, subject=[xpconnect wrapped nsISupports] 1705468406145 FirefoxAccounts TRACE FxAccountsPushService _onPushMessage 1705468406145 FirefoxAccounts DEBUG push command: fxaccounts:device_connected 1705468406145 FirefoxAccounts INFO fetching updated device list 1705468406145 FirefoxAccounts INFO Already fetching device list, return existing promise 1705468406164 Services.Common.RESTRequest DEBUG GET request to https://api.accounts.firefox.com/v1/account/devices?filterIdleDevicesTimestamp=1703654006162 1705468408408 Services.Common.RESTRequest DEBUG GET https://api.accounts.firefox.com/v1/account/devices?filterIdleDevicesTimestamp=1703654006162 200 1705468408409 Hawk DEBUG (Response) /account/devices?filterIdleDevicesTimestamp=1703654006162: code: 200 - Status text: 1705468408409 Hawk DEBUG Clock offset vs https://api.accounts.firefox.com/v1: -409 1705468408409 FirefoxAccounts INFO Got new device list: 0114f71fc43f1c0abec31f11ea4c4f8c, 21486e339a18328ea65760b3cfdc661e, 73c3e7eb9def85f369143f46fe5ad619, c7ab28df9f8b9556bcb602d268c3282e 1705468408410 FirefoxAccounts TRACE Our push subscription looks OK 1705468408410 FirefoxAccounts INFO updating the cache 1705468448524 Sync.Engine.Tabs.Tracker DEBUG Detected a tab change, but conditions aren't met for a quick write - bumping score 1705468448533 Sync.Engine.Tabs.Tracker DEBUG Detected a tab change, but conditions aren't met for a quick write or a score bump 1705468450556 Sync.Engine.Tabs.Tracker DEBUG Detected a tab change, but conditions aren't met for a quick write or a score bump 1705468450676 Sync.Engine.Tabs.Tracker DEBUG Detected a tab change, but conditions aren't met for a quick write or a score bump 1705468451026 FirefoxAccounts DEBUG FxAccountsProfileClient: Requested profile 1705468451026 FirefoxAccounts DEBUG getOAuthToken enter 1705468451026 FirefoxAccounts TRACE getCachedToken returning cached token 1705468451026 FirefoxAccounts DEBUG getOAuthToken returning a cached token 1705468451026 Services.Common.RESTRequest DEBUG GET request to https://profile.accounts.firefox.com/v1/profile 1705468451226 Services.Common.RESTRequest DEBUG GET https://profile.accounts.firefox.com/v1/profile 304 1705468453581 Sync.Engine.Tabs.Tracker DEBUG Detected a tab change, but conditions aren't met for a quick write or a score bump 1705468453583 Sync.Engine.Tabs.Tracker DEBUG Detected a tab change, but conditions aren't met for a quick write or a score bump 1705468454872 Sync.Service DEBUG User-Agent: Firefox/121.0.1 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) FxSync/ 1705468454872 Sync.Service INFO Starting sync at 2024-01-16 23:14:14 in browser session 8sHSUqIJcFhS 1705468454872 Sync.Service DEBUG In sync: should login. 1705468454872 Sync.Service INFO User logged in successfully - verifying login. 1705468454872 FirefoxAccounts TRACE not checking freshness of profile as it remains recent 1705468454873 Sync.SyncAuthManager DEBUG unlockAndVerifyAuthState already has (or can fetch) sync keys 1705468454873 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.login: error.login.reason.network => success.status_ok 1705468454873 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: error.login.failed => error.login.failed 1705468454873 Sync.Service DEBUG Fetching unlocked auth state returned success.status_ok 1705468454873 FirefoxAccounts TRACE not checking freshness of profile as it remains recent 1705468454873 Sync.SyncAuthManager INFO Getting sync key 1705468454873 Sync.SyncAuthManager INFO Getting a sync token from: https://token.services.mozilla.com/1.0/sync/1.5 1705468454873 Sync.SyncAuthManager DEBUG Getting a token using OAuth 1705468454873 FirefoxAccounts DEBUG getOAuthToken enter 1705468454873 FirefoxAccounts TRACE getCachedToken returning cached token 1705468454873 FirefoxAccounts DEBUG getOAuthToken returning a cached token 1705468454873 Services.Common.TokenServerClient DEBUG Beginning OAuth token exchange: https://token.services.mozilla.com/1.0/sync/1.5 1705468454873 Services.Common.RESTRequest DEBUG GET request to https://token.services.mozilla.com/1.0/sync/1.5 1705468507773 Services.Common.RESTRequest DEBUG GET https://token.services.mozilla.com/1.0/sync/1.5 failed: 2152398862 - NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT 1705468507773 Sync.SyncAuthManager ERROR Non-authentication error in _fetchTokenForUser: TokenServerClientNetworkError({"error":{}})(resource://services-common/tokenserverclient.sys.mjs:28:36) JS Stack trace: TokenServerClientNetworkError@tokenserverclient.sys.mjs:51:16 _tokenServerExchangeRequest@tokenserverclient.sys.mjs:235:13 1705468507773 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.login: success.status_ok => error.login.reason.network 1705468507773 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: error.login.failed => error.login.failed 1705468507773 Sync.SyncAuthManager INFO Failed to fetch the cluster URL: TokenServerClientNetworkError({"error":{}})(resource://services-common/tokenserverclient.sys.mjs:28:36) JS Stack trace: TokenServerClientNetworkError@tokenserverclient.sys.mjs:51:16 _tokenServerExchangeRequest@tokenserverclient.sys.mjs:235:13 1705468507774 Sync.Service DEBUG verifyLogin failed: TokenServerClientNetworkError({"error":{}})(resource://services-common/tokenserverclient.sys.mjs:28:36) JS Stack trace: TokenServerClientNetworkError@tokenserverclient.sys.mjs:51:16 _tokenServerExchangeRequest@tokenserverclient.sys.mjs:235:13 1705468507774 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.login: error.login.reason.network => error.login.reason.network 1705468507774 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: error.login.failed => error.login.failed 1705468507774 Sync.ErrorHandler ERROR Sync encountered a login error 1705468507774 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Clearing sync triggers and the global score. 1705468507775 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Next sync in 3600000 ms. (why=schedule) 1705468507776 FirefoxAccounts TRACE not checking freshness of profile as it remains recent 1705468507776 Sync.Service DEBUG Exception calling WrappedLock: Error: Login failed: error.login.reason.network(resource://services-sync/service.sys.mjs:1038:15) JS Stack trace: onNotify@service.sys.mjs:1038:15 1705468507776 Sync.Service DEBUG Not syncing: login returned false. 1705468507776 FirefoxAccounts TRACE not checking freshness of profile as it remains recent

Ερώτηση από Echo117A 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από Echo117A 8 μήνες πριν

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Adding an option to visit the extension store page?

I tried eveything but found no way to access the store page of a specific extension, am i missing something? Searching isnt good if it has a simple name as thounsands sh… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

I tried eveything but found no way to access the store page of a specific extension, am i missing something?

Searching isnt good if it has a simple name as thounsands show up

Ερώτηση από sscicluna89 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από sscicluna89 8 μήνες πριν

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Hostinger h-panel

Since about 13:00 GMT yesterday, Firefox could not load or display the Hostinger h-panel. It sometimes partially and sometimes completely displays all the page content. B… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

Since about 13:00 GMT yesterday, Firefox could not load or display the Hostinger h-panel. It sometimes partially and sometimes completely displays all the page content. But all the controls are dead. Firefox seems to be very busy doing something. I told Hostinger and they spent some time looking into the problem. They got Firefox to load the h-panel but said that it was vastly slower than other browsers in doing so. With me, Firefox still stops doing anything once the content is loaded and ALL controls on the page are still dead. When closing Firefox in this state, there is considerable delay before the window actually closes.

I thought that perhaps Hostinger had done an update that called in some proprietary JavaScript extensions that Firefox couldn't handle. I get the impression that in trying to display the h-panel pages, Firefox is trying to acquire some content from an external site, as requested somewhere within the HTML/JavaScript source code.

Any ideas? robert_john.morton@yahoo.com

Ερώτηση από robert_john.morton 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από robert_john.morton 7 μήνες πριν

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Gmail inbox no longer displaying action icons following 121.0.1 FF udate

Up until this last update, in Gmail inbox, each message could be moused over top and action icons would show up. This no longer happens and I don't know why. It was very … (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

Up until this last update, in Gmail inbox, each message could be moused over top and action icons would show up. This no longer happens and I don't know why. It was very convenient not to have to open the message to take action on it and then return to the inbox. Now if I click the checkbox on the left side of the message those icons appear, but I never had to do this before??? I have not made any changes to the settings on my 1 year old Macbook Pro or Firefox configuration...

Ερώτηση από Danno 8 μήνες πριν

Απάντηση από cor-el 8 μήνες πριν