Trying to get NordPass to work
I had NordPass working on my MacBook Pro, so that the little NordPass icon appeared when I had to sign in to a site with my username and password. If it wasn't in NordPas… (xle nububuwo)
I had NordPass working on my MacBook Pro, so that the little NordPass icon appeared when I had to sign in to a site with my username and password. If it wasn't in NordPass yet, NordPass would "watch" while I signed in somewhere, and then ask if I wanted to save that info, and I could say yes or no. But now I've installed NordPass again, and I'm not seeing the little green NordPass prompts. Where did they go? What did I do that caused them to disappear? I'm going to give up for the evening, but if you have any ideas about this, please share them. I will check back in tomorrow and attack the problem again, and will see your ideas then. TIA for any thoughts you might have about this.