Long story short (as possible):
Windows 11 Home, Firefox version 135.0, File version, Product version 18.05
Opened Firefox first thing as soon as PC was turned… (xle nububuwo)
Long story short (as possible):
Windows 11 Home, Firefox version 135.0, File version, Product version 18.05
Opened Firefox first thing as soon as PC was turned on today. Immediately prompted for an update. It's Mozilla/Firefox. I didn't question it. I did the update and it asked me to download a file. "I trust Mozilla. OK". It downloaded a Firefox Installer.exe file. The same as the one I installed back in 2022 when I set up this PC. I noticed it was a duplicate because (1) followed the file name. "Odd, but okay...it's Mozilla/Firefox. I trust it"
Then I tried to use Firefox and no matter what website I tried to go to I got a "Gah. Your tab just crashed" on the page. It had "Restore crashed tabs" options but nothing worked. All led back to "Gah. Your tabs..."
Thinking about the same Installer.exe file and its (1), I checked the Firefox update history. Nothing for today. I then opened the Properties of the original 2022 Installer.exe and the one today. All were the same except 1) - the 2022 file is 325KB and the (1) file from today is 364KB, and 2) - under Digital Signatures, the Digest algorithm is "sha1" in the 2022 file and "sha256" in the (2) file from today.
I didn't know this Ask a question/forum was here or I would have inquired here first. Instead I turned to Reddit's Firefox group using my phone before I did anything on my PC. I spec'd out the details of the day and was assured by two people to do a restart of Firefox. So I did. Yup, that seemed to fix the issue. And off I went with the stuff I'd originally had in store for my day. Until I had different/unrelated need to view my Downloads and I see a FireFox Installer(2) that must have crept in when I did the restart. There was no notification/prompt or request to allow. It just showed up and I wouldn't have known about it unless I checked my Downloads folder.
Until someone tells me otherwise, I'm staying off Firefox. Two .exe Installer files downloaded for a simple update? One which I authorized/allowed but the other sneaking in when I restarted Firefox? Not to mention the tabs not loading until I did the restart which if legit needed, Firefox didn't prompt me to do? That doesn't sound like normal Mozilla/Firefox behaviour. None of today's events do.
So...is this fishy like I think it is? Fishy or not, what's the best thing to do? I'm okay with computers but DEFINITELY NOT an expert. Hence me being here and asking what to do. Guidance needed. Help?
I wrote out the OS details and specs of the browser. I think that's all that anyone would need but if I'm wrong, don't hesitate to ask for more.
Thanks folks.