Sync logins in Firefox for iOS

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Enable logins sync on Firefox for iOS so that you can access your logins across other synced devices. This is also a necessary step when you're using Firefox as a system-wide password autofill.

Set up automatic sync

  1. At the bottom of the screen, tap the menu button (the menu will be at the top right if you're using an iPad):
    Firefox iOS menu bar

  2. Tap Settings in the menu panel.
  3. Tap your Mozilla account to open Manage Account & Devices.(You might need to sign in first).
  4. Tap the switch next to Logins to enable it (switchonios)

Manually sync your logins

Firefox for iOS will sync automatically at regular intervals but you can also force a manual sync.

  1. At the bottom of the screen, tap the menu button (the menu will be at the top right if you're using an iPad):
    Firefox iOS menu bar

  2. Tap the Sync button (you might need to sign in first).
sync ios 12

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