Nastajenja za start, startowy bok, rejtarki a ześěgnjenja

Wersijowe informacije
  • Wersijowy ID: 112431
  • Napórany:
  • Awtor: milupo
  • Komentar: partial translation
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Toś ten nastawk wopisujo nastajenja wótrězka Powšykny wokna NastajenjaNastajenjaNastajenja Mozilla Firefox.

Z wótrězkom Powškny móžośo:

  • Firefox ako standardny wobglědowak póstajiś a nastajiś, lěc pśěglědujo se pśi startowanju, lěc Firefox jo standardny wobglědowak abo nic.
  • nastajiś, kótare boki Firefox pokazujo, gaž startujośo swój wobglědowak abo kliknjośo na symbol startoweje boka
  • nastajiś, co Firefox ma cyniś, gaž ześěguju se dataje
  • swóje nastajenja za rejtarki zastojaś

Z wotrězkom Powšitkowny móžeće:

  • Firefox jako standardny wobhladowak postajić a nastajić, hač so při startowanju přepruwuje, hač Firefox je standardny wobhladowak abo nic.
  • nastajić, kotre strony Firefox pokazuje, hdyž swój wobhladowak startujeće abo na symbol startoweje strony kliknjeće
  • nastajić, što Firefox ma činić, hdyž so dataje sćahuja

Z wotrězkom Powšitkowny móžeće:

  • nastajić, kotre strony Firefox pokazuje, hdyž swój wobhladowak startujeće abo na symbol startoweje strony kliknjeće
  • nastajić, što Firefox ma činić, hdyž so dataje sćahuja
Pokiw: Rajtarkowe nastajenja w Firefox 37 a starše su we wotrězku Rajtarki NastajenjaNastajenjaNastajenja Firefox. Nastawk Rejtarikowe nastajenja wopisuje te nastajenja.

Zapis wopśimjeśa

fx20 options - general Options General Win 20 Prefs General Mac 20 Prefs General Lin 20

Fx34OptionsGeneral-Win7 Fx34GeneralPanel-Mac Fx34GeneralPanel-Lin



  • Always check to see if Firefox is the default browser on startup: Select this setting if you want Firefox to check whether it is the default browser at startup. Making Firefox your default browser will ensure Firefox is used, whenever an application tries to display a web page.
  • Always check if Firefox is your default browser: Select this setting if you want Firefox to check whether it is the default browser at startup. Making Firefox your default browser will ensure Firefox is used, whenever an application tries to display a web page.


  • Show the Downloads window when downloading a file:
    Controls whether Firefox will display the Downloads window when you download a file. For more information, see Pytanje a zastojanje ześěgnjonych datajow.
  • Close it when all downloads are finished:
    If you have selected Show the Downloads window when downloading a file (above), this setting controls whether Firefox will automatically close the Downloads window after all the files you're downloading have completed.
  • Save files to:
    If selected, Firefox will automatically save all downloads to the specified folder (such as the desktop or your downloads folder). To change which folder is used, click Browse…Choose….
  • Always ask me where to save files:
    If selected, Firefox will ask you to select a folder for every download you wish to save.


  • Open new windows in a new tab instead: This optionpreference controls whether links from other applications or from web pages which request to open them in new windows are opened in a new window or a new tab in the most recent window.
Note: If you have chosen to open pages in new tabs, Firefox will ignore this optionpreference and will open a new window from a link if the page author specified that the new window should have a specific size, because some pages can only be displayed correctly at a specific size.
  • Warn me when closing multiple tabs: When you close a window with multiple tabs, Firefox will ask you to confirm your choice. This prevents you from accidentally closing the whole window when you intended to only close the current tab. Uncheck this optionpreference to disable this warning and have Firefox automatically close the window.
Note: This setting has no effect on the warning when closing other tabs in a window.
  • Warn me when opening multiple tabs might slow down Firefox: When you open a large number of tabs at once, Firefox will ask you to confirm your choice. This prevents you from accidentally slowing down your system while the pages are loading. Uncheck this optionpreference to disable this warning.
  • Don't load tabs until selected: Firefox will only load the active tab when it starts or restores your previous session. This can make startup much faster if you are restoring many tabs. The other open tabs will be loaded as you click on them.
  • When I open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately: When you middle-click on a Web link (or hold down Ctrlcommand while clicking with the left mouse button), the page will be opened in a new tab. That page will not be displayed and will load in a background tab. Check this optionpreference to load and display the page in a new foreground tab instead.
  • Show tab previews in the Windows taskbar: When you move your pointer over the Firefox icon in the Windows 7 taskbar, Windows will show you a preview of the Firefox window. With this option check marked, Windows will show you a separate preview for each tab.