Cookieje zmóžniś a znjemóžniś, kótarež websedła wužywaju, aby waše nastajenja składowali

Wersijowe informacije
  • Wersijowy ID: 115076
  • Napórany:
  • Awtor: milupo
  • Komentar: start
  • Pśeglědany:
  • Gótowy za pśełožowanje:
Žrědłowy kod wersije
Wopśimjeśe wersije

Cookies are stored on your computer by websites you visit and contain information such as site preferences or login status. This article describes how to enable and disable cookies in Firefox.

How do I change cookie settings?

Note: Cookies are enabled by default in Firefox.

To check or change your settings:

  1. Klikniśo w menijowej rědce górjejce na wobrazowce na Firefox a wubjeŕśo Nastajenja. Klikniśo na menijowy tłocašk Fx57Menu a wubjeŕśo NastajenjaNastajenja.Klikniśo na menijowy tłocašk Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Nastajenja.

  2. Wubjeŕśo wokno Priwatnosć a wěstota a źiśo do wótrězka Historija.

  3. Wubjeŕśo we wuběrańskem meniju pódla Firefox buźo Swójske nastajenja za historiju wužywaś.
  4. Check mark Accept cookies from sites to enable Cookies, and uncheck it to disable them.
    Cookies Win Fx223rd Party Cookies Mac Fx223rd Party Cookies Linux Fx22PrivacyCookies
  5. Choose how long cookies are allowed to be stored:
    • Keep until:
      they expire: Each cookie will be removed when it reaches its expiration date, which is set by the site that sent the cookie.
      I close Firefox: The cookies that are stored on your computer will be removed when Firefox is closed.
      ask me every time: Displays an alert every time a website tries to send a cookie, and asks you whether or not you want to store it.
  6. Zacyńśo bok about:preferences. Wšykne změny, kótarež sćo pśewjadł, budu se awtomatiski składowaś.

Websites report cookie errors

If a website gives you an error message saying that you cannot accept cookies, see Websites say cookies are blocked - Unblock them.