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Preview of new messages in inbox by hovering over inbox

Prior to Supernova version, whenever new messages arrive in an Inbox I could hover my mouse over the Inbox without actually clicking on it and I could see a brief preview… (Lesen Sie mehr)

Prior to Supernova version, whenever new messages arrive in an Inbox I could hover my mouse over the Inbox without actually clicking on it and I could see a brief preview of the new messages (not the actual content of the messages, but like the subject etc). Now updated to Supernova and it doesn't do that anymore. When I hover over Inbox, it just displays "Inbox, xxxx unread messages". Is there a hidden setting to get it to show me just the new messages like before?

Gefragt von scheung vor 9 Monaten

Beantwortet von Wayne Mery vor 9 Monaten