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I am downloading videos but I can not view their progress on the download page. They only appear after they're done downloading or a notification when they fail. What's w… (Lesen Sie mehr)

I am downloading videos but I can not view their progress on the download page. They only appear after they're done downloading or a notification when they fail. What's wrong?

Gefragt von namedlessormore vor 4 Wochen

Letzte Antwort von Paul vor 4 Wochen

can't download docs. from closed account

I closed an account that I had gmail send all my information from. Now that I want to download it, I can't due to the fact that it wants me to log into the account that n… (Lesen Sie mehr)

I closed an account that I had gmail send all my information from. Now that I want to download it, I can't due to the fact that it wants me to log into the account that no longer exists. If I try signing in to another account to try to download it will not let me. This is a brand new phone and I can't open my bank app due to a message that keeps reading " page management" ,have installed and Uninstaller it. Been to bank, TMobile site and simply nothing works and now i can't recover my downloads from an account that was closed even though I downloaded them cause it keeps sending me the email address of the account that's closed and won't accept another account to open the download. Thank you. Sara M Roscher. [Email address]

Gefragt von Sara R vor 1 Monat

Letzte Antwort von Paul vor 1 Monat