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amazon web pages not updating upon "sign in" to account.

Starting today, amazon web pages are not updating correctly. The amazon web page appears normal till I sign in, then it doesn't update "cart" contents or show account ho… (Lesen Sie mehr)

Starting today, amazon web pages are not updating correctly. The amazon web page appears normal till I sign in, then it doesn't update "cart" contents or show account holders name or list any "Lists" when accessing account saved lists. I have deleted entire history, and all cookies and caches X 3. I Rebooted computer along with a "system command control reset" and still the pages are not loading correctly. Short of reinstalling "Firefox" what more can I do? Are there any "Preference" files or files with specific extensions I can delete? Thank you. Gerard

Gefragt von Gerard Ferency vor 5 Monaten

Letzte Antwort von jonzn4SUSE vor 5 Monaten