Developing a simple application and I am trying to debug it with the console log. The log works fine, however it looks like it's attempting to style the log entries but i… (Lesen Sie mehr)
Developing a simple application and I am trying to debug it with the console log. The log works fine, however it looks like it's attempting to style the log entries but isn't parsing its own HTML. That is, instead of seeing:
I'm seeing:
< b>< i>< big>EXAMPLE</big></i></b>
Here is an example of the most recent log entry:
"< pre class='xdebug-var-dump' dir='ltr'>
< small>C:\wamp64\www\schedule2\jqueryAJAX.php:31:</small>
< b>object</b>(< i>scheduleSheet</i>)[< i>1</i>]
< i>public</i> 'propl' < font color='#888a85'>=></font>
< small>string</small> < font color='#cc0000'>'property'</font>
< i>(length=8)</i>
This happens no matter what script I'm using, however it only seems to happen on scripts located in localhost (with WAMP running). The console on other webpages seem to be styled appropriately, with no un-parsed HTML tags.