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Loging in to the GRB Platform trouble
I cannot login to a specific site that I am trying to access for my Job. It is for my health insurance. Why is it not allowing me to log on?
I cannot login to a specific site that I am trying to access for my Job. It is for my health insurance. Why is it not allowing me to log on?
Ive researched this and went into the settings, I added the mailto link app already. But It keeps popping up.
See screen shot below
I have found that after a short time Firefox stops displaying images in Facebook and only shows a description of what it thinks the image is. I have Firefox version 95.0.… (Lesen Sie mehr)
I have found that after a short time Firefox stops displaying images in Facebook and only shows a description of what it thinks the image is. I have Firefox version 95.0.2 (64-bit) with Windows 10 with the latest updates installed. I have a Dell laptop with an i7 cpu and 63 GB of RAM. This does not occur with other browsers. Reloading the page does not fix it, only a complete shutdown and startup of Firefox.
When I am not in full screen the minimize, maximize and close options are there. They disappear when I go into full screen and I am forced to get out of full screen to mi… (Lesen Sie mehr)
When I am not in full screen the minimize, maximize and close options are there. They disappear when I go into full screen and I am forced to get out of full screen to minimize or close firefox. This only started happening recently. Does anybody know how to make these options appear again while in full screen?
I booted into safe mode of Firefox and disabled all the extensions. I couldn't even boot the app, but now I can boot without being in safe mode, but if I close a tab, it … (Lesen Sie mehr)
I booted into safe mode of Firefox and disabled all the extensions. I couldn't even boot the app, but now I can boot without being in safe mode, but if I close a tab, it crashes immediately. Or if I quit the app - it crashes.
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This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.
I was not able to login into my Salesfoce Browser using the Security Key I received the below image error. Kindly please help.
Hi there, I'm am trying to customize Firefox 91.4.1 ESR for my users who were using 78.10.1 before, however cannot find how to add Library-Button (which was default in p… (Lesen Sie mehr)
Hi there,
I'm am trying to customize Firefox 91.4.1 ESR for my users who were using 78.10.1 before, however cannot find how to add Library-Button (which was default in previous versions) to their UI. Since I am avoiding to amend pref.js and user.js, and this option is not controlled in latest admx template, maybe there is a way to use firefox.cfg? If yes, then how to add it there? Will it not lock users UI and he wont be able to change it afterwards? How about extensions interfering with UI? Also, will the removal of the icon continue in the next ESR versions?
Many thanks for your help in advance!
When my Google calendar loads in Firefox the reminder entries don't display by default. All other calendar entries such as appointments, birthdays, etc. display just fine… (Lesen Sie mehr)
When my Google calendar loads in Firefox the reminder entries don't display by default. All other calendar entries such as appointments, birthdays, etc. display just fine. To make the reminders display, I have to click on the calendar main menu (the three lines) and check the box next to reminders. Then the reminders display fine. However, the next time I start Firefox the reminders once again don't display. Once I have the reminders set I save the settings, but that doesn't help. I don't have this issue with Edge or Chrome. Has anyone else run into this, and if so, have they been able to fix it? Richard
Say, for example, I want the download path to be "MyDownloadDirectory/%yyyy/%yyyy.%mm" which means "Change the download path every month to a folder named after the curre… (Lesen Sie mehr)
Say, for example, I want the download path to be "MyDownloadDirectory/%yyyy/%yyyy.%mm" which means "Change the download path every month to a folder named after the current year and the current month inside a folder named after the current year".
Many non-browser applications allow me to do this, but for some reason browsers generally don't have that option. I was thinking that there was a way to do this in Firefox.
What is a way to do this? If it's not possible in vanilla Firefox, is there an extension available for this?
When I open Facebook with Firefox all of the images in the FB session are blank, and they will not open in the usual manner. Also only about 1/4 of the FB session is disp… (Lesen Sie mehr)
When I open Facebook with Firefox all of the images in the FB session are blank, and they will not open in the usual manner. Also only about 1/4 of the FB session is displayed.
When I use Edge I have no problems at all, so I have to assume that it is FF and not my computer that is at fault. Please advise. Bob Burns
On Microsoft Edge, whenever i type the first letter of a word it will suggest automatically the recent words that i have use. How to enable it on Firefox, i already brow… (Lesen Sie mehr)
On Microsoft Edge, whenever i type the first letter of a word it will suggest automatically the recent words that i have use. How to enable it on Firefox, i already browse the settings? I really need it on my job specially doing reports. We can only use Firefox to access our websites.
Tried to reset settings. Does not work. Went to about:config, than tab.mo / print.tab_modal.enabled set to false. Did this method before and it worked. Now this method do… (Lesen Sie mehr)
Tried to reset settings. Does not work. Went to about:config, than tab.mo / print.tab_modal.enabled set to false. Did this method before and it worked. Now this method does not work trying to get print preview back. Firefox is my web browser. I am in windows 8.1. Seems like Firefox did some updates again and now I can not get print preview back! WHY DOES NOT FIREFOX LEAVE WILL ENOUGH ALONE WHEN THEY HAVE SOMETHING GOOD? Bring back the old classic print preview button back and leave it. Now how can I get the old print preview button back???? Need help!! Thanks philm
I just updated from Firefox 96.0.3 to Firefox 97. When I try to print I get the Firefox preview, even though I have print.tab_modal.enabled set to false. Please fix it so… (Lesen Sie mehr)
I just updated from Firefox 96.0.3 to Firefox 97. When I try to print I get the Firefox preview, even though I have print.tab_modal.enabled set to false. Please fix it so that I can get the print system dialog without going via the Firefox preview. Note that I have now reverted to Firefox 96.0.3 and won't update from this unless the problem is fixed.
Prior to FF97 a simply setting to "false" the about:config, print.tab_modal.enabled setting allowed FF to always use the system dialog box when printing. However, in FF97… (Lesen Sie mehr)
Prior to FF97 a simply setting to "false" the about:config, print.tab_modal.enabled setting allowed FF to always use the system dialog box when printing. However, in FF97, this is no longer the case. How can I set FF97 to always use the system print dialog box??
I almost always use Preview printing on my Macs to avoid multiple pages of garbage so this is fairly important to me...and it might help to save a few trees...
extensions disabled without my knowing,can't sign in oops
I use to be able to change firefox icons by adding these files in Firefox under the browser directory chrome/icons/default/BrowserPreferences.ico chrome/icons/default/Cu… (Lesen Sie mehr)
I use to be able to change firefox icons by adding these files in Firefox under the browser directory
chrome/icons/default/BrowserPreferences.ico chrome/icons/default/CustomizeToolbarWindow.ico chrome/icons/default/default.ico chrome/icons/default/downloadManager.ico chrome/icons/default/main-window.ico chrome/icons/default/openLocation.ico chrome/icons/default/places.ico chrome/icons/default/printPageSetupDialog.ico chrome/icons/default/TabMIxPreferences.ico chrome/icons/default/unknownContentType.ico chrome/icons/default/viewSource.ico chrome/icons/default/Wizard.ico
It worked in version 56 but now in version 97 and this no longer works?
How to make firefox enable to recognize the language that are typed? In microsoft edge we can just click "all language", but in firefox no similar option to it.
I'm hiding menu items using userChrome.css with option “toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets” set to “true”. So I am hiding some menu items like for examp… (Lesen Sie mehr)
I'm hiding menu items using userChrome.css with option “toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets” set to “true”.
So I am hiding some menu items like for example
however though the menu item is gone how do I get rid of the ctrl-F menu shortcut...
I have many such menu items to remove so I need a generic solution to override the short-cut icons associated with the menu items I want to remove
How to allow web page to override a keyboard shortcut. Currently firefox picks up the shortcut instead of the webpage... For example I have an webpage that detects ctrl-… (Lesen Sie mehr)
How to allow web page to override a keyboard shortcut. Currently firefox picks up the shortcut instead of the webpage...
For example I have an webpage that detects ctrl-shift-h which worked fine in version 56 but now in version 96 it brings up a "Show All History" dialog
I an doing many such things so I looking for a generic way to override firefox keyboard shortcuts
Why, with not very many active open windows, and just after opening, is FF using 175% of my CPU, not counting all the separate listings in my Activity Monitor. Plus it's … (Lesen Sie mehr)
Why, with not very many active open windows, and just after opening, is FF using 175% of my CPU, not counting all the separate listings in my Activity Monitor. Plus it's using nearly all 16 GBs of my RAM. With every new update, I pray it will mean the browser will just work, and not use up all my computer's resources, but it just never does. Pretty soon, more & more of us will just give up on this browser, which used to work better, years ago, and has only gone downhill since.