When editing a local PDF on Windows, the save button and Ctrl+S both open the Windows file explorer save dialog instead of just saving over the original file.
The Windows… (Lesen Sie mehr)
When editing a local PDF on Windows, the save button and Ctrl+S both open the Windows file explorer save dialog instead of just saving over the original file.
The Windows file explorer save dialog would be an acceptable extra step, except that the location sometimes defaults to the last place you saved a PDF. So if you opened a new PDF in a new directory and want to save over the original, you have to navigate to the new PDF's directory from the last directory (which can be a hassle if the new directory is many folders deep).
So occasionally when I'm paying a hair less attention I save edits to a PDF in a random folder and my original PDF stays un-edited and I have to hunt down the edited PDF in said random folder and move it to its correct spot manually, which is annoying.
Solutions I'm looking for to smooth out the confusion:
A) Ctrl+S or whatever just overwrites the original file with no dialog. (and down the line, a save-as button mayhaps)
B) Always have the Windows file explorer save dialog open at the PDF's directory location.
The PDF editing is already fantastic, this would make it functionally perfect (for me)!