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Bookmark Sorting

In the last approx 3-4 weeks, Firefox bookmarks on Android and PC have *not* remembered alphabetical sort choices on PC. I cannot sort (and remember) bookmark toolbar al… (Lesen Sie mehr)

In the last approx 3-4 weeks, Firefox bookmarks on Android and PC have *not* remembered alphabetical sort choices on PC. I cannot sort (and remember) bookmark toolbar alphabetical sort order on PC and I cannot sort and remember bookmark alphabetical sort on Android, synced with the PC. My bookmarks on both PC and Android are arranged in some haphazard way that "sorting by name" under Bookmarks / Manage Bookmarks / Bookmarks Toolbar / Views / Sort / Sort by Name momentarily changes but does not persist to the next time I view. The next time I view the sort of the bookmarks toolbar, it is always "unsorted". Again this has only been an issue in the past 3-4 weeks.

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