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In frame pdf doesn't display as it used to

Hi there. Something changed in my Firefox recently. I used to have all pdf options as Always Ask, which did not impact sites where the pdf is inside a frame inside the … (Lesen Sie mehr)

Hi there.

Something changed in my Firefox recently.

I used to have all pdf options as Always Ask, which did not impact sites where the pdf is inside a frame inside the webpage.

Changing to open in firefox fixed that issue, but now it opens all pdfs in browser, which I'd rather have the option to save or open in Sumatra as I used to.

Image attached for the 3 options I've mentioned

Basically I want the option to save / open in my preferred app while not disrupting the sites that have in frame pdfs.


Gefragt von Joey vor 6 Tagen

Letzte Antwort von Joey vor 6 Tagen

Not able to copy and paste from other sites to outlook

Hello, I can not longer copy and paste to outlook from other sites. They recommended to check my browser permissions. How do I do this for this issue. It started after m… (Lesen Sie mehr)

Hello, I can not longer copy and paste to outlook from other sites. They recommended to check my browser permissions. How do I do this for this issue. It started after my last update. Thanks bunches

Gefragt von H R vor 4 Tagen

Microphone & Camera

I can not get my Camera and Microphone online in Facebook. I have read all the documents and they are both enables in the computer settings I dont see any place to enab… (Lesen Sie mehr)

I can not get my Camera and Microphone online in Facebook. I have read all the documents and they are both enables in the computer settings I dont see any place to enable them in Facebook. I have used them many time making video calls but this is the first time I have tried to make a video call since your updates. Help please, I have reset everything

Gefragt von Kathy Farris vor 6 Tagen

default browser

Although I have the mozilla as my default browser , it's not working as my default browser and every page opes by default with Microsoft Edge. Please help me. Thank you … (Lesen Sie mehr)

Although I have the mozilla as my default browser , it's not working as my default browser and every page opes by default with Microsoft Edge. Please help me. Thank you

Gefragt von alexandra.markantoni.ext vor 2 Tagen