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Firefox Linux on Chromebook unable to edit Google Docs

I recently updated Firefox Linux on Chromebook and now when I open a Google Doc it displays fine and I can place the cursor with mouse but when typing no characters appea… (Lesen Sie mehr)

I recently updated Firefox Linux on Chromebook and now when I open a Google Doc it displays fine and I can place the cursor with mouse but when typing no characters appear in doc. I checked Firefox on Windows and it edits same docs fine.

Gefragt von bob335 vor 1 Monat

Beantwortet von bob335 vor 1 Monat

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Continuous mouse scolling / frictionless mouse wheel

With normal mice, when you scroll you typically scoll in steps which you feel as the mouse wheel feedback. The issue here is with high resolution scroll wheels, whether … (Lesen Sie mehr)

With normal mice, when you scroll you typically scoll in steps which you feel as the mouse wheel feedback.

The issue here is with high resolution scroll wheels, whether that is a knob or a "frictionless" mouse wheel like on higher end logitech mice.

What happens: You slowly rotate the scroll wheel while nothing is happens in firefox, then you get to a certain point and firefox scolls one step, then you continue to slowly rotate the wheel, and eventually firefox scrolls another step.

What should happen: It continuously scolls as you rotate the wheel. This works in chromium browsers and other chromium based apps like discord, steam, etc, it also works in kde settings app, dolphin, okular, etc. But not firefox. It even works in terminal.

Both firefox and thunderbird are like this.

Is there a way to get this working or is it simply not supported in firefox? If so then feature request: get high res scoll wheels to work

Gefragt von Quertz vor 1 Monat

Beantwortet von Quertz vor 1 Monat

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How can I stop advertisers from changing my 'Settings' fields 'Home page and new windows' to their URL which brings up their page before I can enter my password? I'm on L… (Lesen Sie mehr)

How can I stop advertisers from changing my 'Settings' fields 'Home page and new windows' to their URL which brings up their page before I can enter my password? I'm on Linux Desk Top.

Gefragt von len0542 vor 1 Monat

Beantwortet von len0542 vor 1 Monat

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Can't get other dictionaries working

I am (again) running into trouble with spelling. I got this offered to me:… (Lesen Sie mehr)

I am (again) running into trouble with spelling.

I got this offered to me:

Doesn't quite work. Wrong things declared, etc.

I see a "badly spelt" word. Double click, go to add dictionary.

To the best of my knowledge, it is installed. Others point me to about:config spellcheck.dictionary

But that is not really offered to me when I am typing the name. So probably doesn't exist.

I'm trying ITMT, but would like some help please.

Gefragt von teeny_weeny vor 1 Monat

Beantwortet von James vor 1 Monat