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Cannot attach files to my outgoing emails using gmail

Two issues using latest version of Firefox with Windows 10. These 2 issues have occurred in the last few days First I cannot attach my files to my emails using Gmail. … (Lesen Sie mehr)

Two issues using latest version of Firefox with Windows 10.

These 2 issues have occurred in the last few days

First I cannot attach my files to my emails using Gmail. I'm able to do this using Edge or Chrome

Second, normally when I used to start typing the name of my correspondent it would automatically complete. This is no longer working. I'm able to do this using Edge or Chrome

the attached printscreen shows both issues

Gefragt von pauljaniga vor 11 Monaten

Beantwortet von pauljaniga vor 11 Monaten

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home browser screen way too large (height and width)

My home screen and all other browsing screens are so high and wide that I can't scroll down because the side slide bar is not on the screen. I have no idea how this happe… (Lesen Sie mehr)

My home screen and all other browsing screens are so high and wide that I can't scroll down because the side slide bar is not on the screen. I have no idea how this happened! I can't find any articles that help me reduce the screen size that I can understand. There seems to be no solution option in firefox settings to adjust the screen size. The View tab does not help because it just offers zooming of the data on the screen, not the actual size of the screen.

Gefragt von chezmich vor 11 Monaten

Letzte Antwort von Kiki vor 11 Monaten