Search box - Can't select search engine
I am running Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy on my desktop. Problem does not appear in Windows 10.
I can click the search box and the list of search engines shows. I can change the default search engine in settings. Mouse over highlights the selections.
Clicking on one of the choices does nothing.
I think there have been 2 updates since the problem first appeared.
PS: There also appears to be an issue with js. Some functions on websites do not work although most of the scripts do work. In particular comments on comicskingdom.com do not work and the same with comments on seattletimes.com which apparently uses the same script. Both websites work on Windows 10.
Alle svar (6)
Problem is now on windows 10 as well. Note you have to customize tool bar to get search box.
Yes. You didn't specify any text in the search box, so clicking icons is pointless.
You can use the cursor Down key to highlight and select the search engine, this should be reflected to the top Search line.
Thanks for the response but doesn't apply to the issue.
Clicking the icon for a search engine without text used to call the search engine homepage.
For instance clicking the google icon behaved the same as typing google.com in the address bar and hitting enter.
Never liked putting text in the search box because you have to go back and clear the text manually. In addition you don't get the search engine prompting that's based on the text you do enter. This is a useful feature of search engines.
That you now have to enter text is a distinct change and a very much unappreciated one.
Ps: Once you hit enter for a keyword on a search engine it very much colors future responses from the engine. It's better to hit enter on a query once you get the suggestions in the area you are looking for.