Why does Copy Image make HEAD request to server and how to prevent it?
When I open Tools > Browser Tools > Browser Toolbox (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I) and then go to Network tab then I see browser requests. When I right click image and then choose Copy Image it makes HEAD request to server. And then based on that result seems decide how to copy this image. For example if server responds with 403 to this head request I can still paste copied image to MS paint for example. But I can not paste such images to websites. Such as Yandex reverse image search for example.
Why does firefox behave like that and how to disable it?
To investigate the issue her is a sample clipboard event handler that can take image from clipboard: https://pastebin.com/KNKfPGcy
If HEAD request gets 403 response then this clipboard code will cause the following to be posted instead of image:
<Message>Access Denied</Message><RequestId>6HRMZAKJPFCNZ6QS</RequestId><HostId>ANuZElpxuSerm5iGttCRay/SCAaDuc3Qv1WPxJGHQRJqsGISjyxxG68EFtw9xHDdgnmqtuAZqsg=</HostId></Error>
This situation can happen for example when I open image on new tab and then the server removes image or link gets expired and then I want to copy this image. It causes annoyance where when I want to paste it to some other web site I first have to paste it in MS Paint and then select all and copy in MS paint to finally get image that I can freely paste everywhere.
Seems like this is some deliberately made user hostile behavior in Firefox. How can I disable it? And besides, isn't it a privacy concern when every time I click Copy Image server is notified? I mean someone else should not know that I am about to copy their image.