ServiceWorker won't register and crash with TypeError when using import
Hello all,
I'm building a website which uses a `ServiceWorker`. This worker uses `import` to load another JS module. As far as I understand, this should be possible starting Firefox 114 ( However, it's crashing with an `TypeError: ServiceWorker script at https://localhost:9292/sw.js for scope https://localhost:9292/ threw an exception during script evaluation`. The worker script is loaded as module using `navigator.serviceWorker.register('./sw.js', { type: "module" })`, and working on Safari and Chrome as expected. When I remove the `import`, the worker loads and works. Tested on Firefox 118, 119, 120.
Here is a full sample:
I can't find any related bug in Bugzilla or anywhere else. Which makes me wonder what I am missing.
PS: Non module `importScripts` work.