Kom i gang med Firefox - en oversigt over de vigtigste funktioner

  • Revision id: 1724
  • Oprettet:
  • Lavet af: steenras
  • Kommentar: Startet. Translated Navigating section untill Stopping and reloading
  • Gennemgået: Ja
  • Gennemgået:
  • Gennemgået af: dikrib
  • Er godkendt? Nej
  • Er nuværende revision? Nej
  • Klar til oversættelse: Nej
Translation in progress.

Velkommen til Mozilla Firefox! Firefox er en Internet-browser, som du kan bruge til at besøge Internetsider og søge på Internettet.

Sådan navigerer du mellem Internetsider

Sådan kommer du til din startside

Når du starter Firefox kommer du til din startside. Indtil du ændrer det, vil du starte på Firefox' hjemmeside.


  • Hvis du vælger Fuldskærms-visning, får du vist mere af Internetsiden på din skærm. I Fuldskærms-visning bliver Firefox' værktøjslinjer skrumpet sammen til en enkelt smal linje. For at slå Fuldskærmsvisning til skal du vælge:

Vis > Fuldskærm eller taste F11.

  • To go to your home page quickly, press AltOpt+Home.

Sådan kommer du til andre sider

Du kommer til en Internetside ved at skrive sidens Internetadresse (også kaldet sidens URL) ind i adressefeltet. En URL begynder normalt med "http://" efterfulgt af et eller flere navne, der bestemmer adressen. Et eksempel er "http://www.mozilla.org/"

  1. Klik på adressefeltet for at vælge den URL, der står der.
  2. Skriv URL på den side, som du vil besøge. Din URL skrives oven i det, der stod i adressefeltet i forvejen.
  3. Tast EnterReturn.

Tip: For hurtigt at vælge adressefeltets URL, tast CtrlCmd+L.

Kender du ikke en sides URL? Prøv at skrive noget specifikt om den side, du vil besøge, fx et navn i adressefeltet og tast EnterReturn. Dette bringer dig til den side, som Google ville vælge for det ord. Se også Searching.

De fleste Internetsider indeholder links, som du kan klikke på for at komme til andre sider.

  1. Flyt musemarkøren (pilen) indtil den bliver til en pegende hånd. Det viser, at musen peger på et link. Mange links er vist ved understreget skrift, men også knapper eller billeder kan være links.
  2. Klik en enkelt gang på linket. Mens siden findes frem kan du se en statusmeddelelse i bunden af vinduet.

Følg dine skridt baglæns

Man kan finde tilbage til tidligere besøgte sider på flere forskellige måder:

  • For at gå en side tilbage eller frem, klik på knappen med Tilbage eller Fremad.
  • For at gå flere sider tilbage eller frem, klik på de små trekanter ved knapperne med Tilbage og Fremad. Du vil så se en liste med de sider, du sidst besøgte; klik på en side fra listen for at komme til den side.
  • For at se en liste med de URL, som du har skrevet i adressefeltet skal du klikke på nedad-pilen i adressefeltets højre ende. Klik på en sides URL for at komme til den.
  • For at vælge fra sider, som du har besøgt i siden du sidst startede Firefox, kan du åbne Historikmenuen og se en liste nederst i menuen.

For at vælge sider, du har besøgt inden for adskillige sessioner tilbage i tiden, åbn Historik menuen og vælg Vis historik. Arkivvinduet viser en liste af mapper. Ved at klikke på en mappe vises undermapper eller titler på hjemmesider. Klik på en sides titel for at få vist denne side.

Stopping and reloading

If a page is loading too slowly or you no longer wish to view a page, click the Stop button.

To reload the current page or to get the most up-to-date version, click the Reload button or press Ctrl Cmd+ R.

Tabbed browsing

When you visit more than one web page at a time, you can use Tabbed Browsing to navigate the Web faster and easier.

Tabbed browsing lets you open several web pages within a single Firefox window, each displaying in its own tab. This frees up space on your desktop since you don't have to have a window open for every web page you're currently visiting. You can open, close, and reload web pages conveniently in one place without having to switch to another window.

For more info, see Brug faneblade til at organisere mange websteder i et enkelt vindue.

Using the Sidebar

The Sidebar is an area on the left side of the screen that you can use for viewing bookmarks or history. Extensions may add new ways to use the Sidebar as well.

To view an item in the Sidebar, select View > Sidebar. From there you can select the Sidebar tab you want.


Searching the web

Searching for web pages on a particular topic is as easy as typing a few words into Firefox's Search Bar.

For example, if you want to find information about the world cup:

  1. Click in the Search Bar.
  2. Type the phrase world cup. Your typing replaces any text currently in the search bar.
  3. Hit EnterReturn to search.

Search results for "world cup" appear in the Firefox window.

Selecting search engine

You can switch the search engine by clicking on its icon and selecting the search engine of your choice. Some search engines, like Google, search the whole web; others, like Amazon.com, only search specific sites.

Manage search engines

Click on the icon of the search engine and select Manage Search Engines... to add, reorder, remove, or restore the default search engines. Select a search engine and click the appropriate button to to move it around within the list or remove it. You can install new search engines by clicking the Get more search engines… link.

Searching the web for words selected in a web page

Firefox allows you to search the web for words you select within a web page:

  1. Select (highlight) any words in a web page.
  2. Right-clickPress Ctrl, click the mouse button, and choose Search [[Search Engine] for "[[your selected words]" from the pop-up menu.

Firefox opens a new tab and uses the currently selected Search Engine to search for your selected words.

Searching within a page

To find text within the page you are currently viewing in Firefox:

  1. Press CtrlCmd+F or select Edit > Find to open the Find Toolbar at the bottom of Firefox.
  2. Type the text you want to find. The search automatically begins as soon as you type something into the search box.
  3. The Find Toolbar offers the following choices:
    • Next: find text in the page that is below the current cursor position.
    • Previous: find text that is above the current cursor position.
    • Highlight all: highlight occurrences of your search string in the current page.
    • Match case: limit the search to text that has the same capitalization as your search string.

To find the same word or phrase again, press F3 or select Edit > Find Again.

Tip: In Tools > OptionsEdit > PreferencesFirefox > Preferences, select the Advanced panel, click the General tab, and enable the Search for text when I start typing optionpreference to enable the Quick Find mode of the Find Toolbar. When enabled, the Quick Find toolbar automatically opens and starts searching as soon as you type something. Unlike the Find Toolbar, the Quick Find toolbar will close automatically after a few seconds of inactivity.

Copying, saving, and printing pages

Copying part of a page

To copy text from a page:

  1. Select the text.
  2. Select Edit > Copy from the Menu Bar.

You can paste the text into other programs.

To copy a link (ur<x>l) or an image link from a page:

  1. Position the pointer over the link or image.
  2. Right-clickPress Ctrl and click on the link or image to display a pop-up menu.
  3. Choose Copy Link Location or Copy Image Location. If an image is also a link, you can choose either menu item.

You can paste the link into other programs or into Firefox's Location Bar.

Saving all or part of a page

To save an entire page in Firefox:

  1. Select File > Save Page As. You will see the Save As dialog box.
  2. Choose a location for the saved page.
  3. Choose a format for the page you want to save:
    • Web Page, Complete: Save the whole web page along with pictures. This choice allows you to view it as originally shown with pictures, but it may not keep the HTML link structure of the original page. Firefox creates a new directory where the page is saved to save pictures and other files necessary to show the whole web page.
    • Web Page, HTML Only: Save the original page without pictures. This choice preserves the original HTML link structure in one file.
    • Text file: Save the original page as a text file. This choice will not preserve the original HTML link structure, but will allow you to see a text version of the web page in any text editor.
  1. Type a file name for the page and click Save.

To save a frame from within a web page:

  1. Position the mouse pointer within the frame.
  2. Press Ctrl and click onRight-click the frame to display a pop-up menu.
  3. Select This Frame > Save Frame As from the submenu. You will see the Save As dialog box.
  4. Choose a location for the saved page.
  5. Choose a format for the page you want to save.
  6. Type a file name for the page and click Save.

Saving a file onto your hard drive lets you view the page when you aren't connected to the Internet.

To save an image from a page:

  1. Position the mouse pointer over the image.
  2. Right-clickPress Ctrl and click on the image to display a pop-up menu.
  3. Select Save Image As. You will see the Save Image dialog box.
  4. Choose a location for the saved image.
  5. Type a file name for the image and click Save.

To save a page without displaying it (which is useful for retrieving a nonformatted page that isn't intended for viewing):

  1. Position the mouse pointer over a link to the page.
  2. Right-clickPress Ctrl and click on the link to display a pop-up menu.
  3. Select Save Link As.... You will see the Save As dialog box.
  4. Choose a location for the saved page.
  5. Type a file name for the page and click Save.

Important: Some links automatically download and save files to your hard drive after you click them. The URLs for these links often begin with "ftp" or end with a file-type extension such as "au" or "mpeg." These links might transmit software, sound, or movie files and can launch helper applications that support the files.

Tip: To set an image as your desktop background, right-clickpress Ctrl, click the mouse button on an image and choose Set As Desktop Background… from the pop-up menu.

Printing a page

To print the current page:

  • Select File > Print.

To print selected text:

  • Select the text in the current page.
  • Select File > Print. The print dialog box will appear.
  • Under Print Range, click Selection.

The web page's author and the size of the printed page, not the size of the onscreen window, determine placement of content on the printed page. Text is wrapped and graphics are repositioned to accommodate paper size.

Using Print Preview

To have an early look at how a page will look before it is printed, you can use Print Preview:

  • Select File > Print Preview.

In Print Preview, you can do the following with pages you want to print:

  • View a preview of each page: Click the Next arrow-rit-sharp.gif, Previous arrow-lft-sharp.gif, First arrow-lft-sharp-end.gif, or Last arrow-rit-sharp-end.gif button to move between pages.
  • Change the scale (size) of pages: In the Scale drop-down menu, choose "50%" to make each page half the size of the original page. To automatically resize pages so that they fit the width of the paper, choose "Shrink to Fit". You can also type in your own percentage by choosing "Custom…".
  • Change the orientation of the page: Choose Portrait to position the page with the shorter side facing up. Choose Landscape to position the page sideways with the longer side facing up.
  • Go to Page Setup: Click Page Setup to further customize pages you want to print.
  • Go to Print: Click Print to print the pages.

Note: Some Print Preview functions are different or unavailable on Mac OS and Linux.

Using Page Setup

Note: Some Page Setup functions are different or unavailable on Mac OS and Linux.

To customize how pages are printed in Firefox, you can use Page Setup:

  • Select File > Page Setup.

In Page Setup, you can change the following settings for pages you want to print:

  • Format & Options: Choose the orientation, scale, and other options:
    • Orientation:
      • Portrait: Choose this to position the page normally, with the shorter side facing up.
      • Landscape: Choose this to position the page sideways, with the longer side facing up.
    • Scale: Type in a percentage of the original size. For example, type "50" to make each page half the size of the original page.
      • Shrink To Fit Page Width: Select this to automatically resize the page to the width of the paper.
    • Options:
      • Print Background (colors and images): Select this to print background images and colors. If unselected only pictures and color in the foreground (in front) are printed.
  • Margins & Header/Footer: Click this tab to set up margins, headers, and footers:
    • Margins:
      • Top, Bottom, Left, Right: Type a margin in the given units for the top, bottom, left, and right margins.
    • Headers & Footers: Each drop-down list represents either a header or a footer area. The top row of drop-down lists are for the left, center, and right header areas. The bottom row are for the left, center, and right footer areas. In each drop-down list, choose one of the following options:
      • --blank--: Show nothing in this area.
      • Title: Show the web page title.
      • URL: Show the web page URL (ur<x>l's usually start with "http://").
      • Date/Time: Show the date and time when the web page is printed.
      • Page #: Show the page number of each page.
      • Page # of #: Show the page number along with the total number of pages. For example, if you print a five page web page, "3 of 5" would be shown on the third page.
      • Custom: Type your own text. You can include any of the following codes to print specific information:
        • &PT: Page Number with Total (Example: "3 of 5")
        • &P: Page Number
        • &D: Date
        • &U: ur<x>l
        • &T: Page Title

Tip: To see a preview of changes made to Page Setup, use Print Preview.

Improving speed and efficiency

Managing different file types

Firefox can handle many types of files. However, for some files such as movies or music, Firefox needs Plugins or external applications that can handle those files. If Firefox doesn't have the needed Plugin or doesn't know what application to use to open the file, it can still save the file to your hard disk. When saving files, you can keep track of them using the Download Manager.

Plugins extend Firefox's functionality and run within it. Plugins like Sun Java, Adobe Flash, and RealNetworks RealPlayer allow Firefox to show multimedia files and run small applications such as movies, animations, and games. You can find common Plugins on the Plugins page at Mozilla Add-ons.

When files cannot be opened within Firefox, you can choose to open them with applications outside of Firefox. For example, you can use the media player of your choice to play MP3 files.

You can specify how Firefox handles files it can't display in the Applications panel. To open this panel, select Tools > OptionsEdit > PreferencesFirefox > Preferences, and click the Applications panel. You can change the action for a file type or remove it. More information about this dialog is available in Applications optionspreferences.

When you click on a file and Firefox doesn't know how to handle it, an Opening dialog box is displayed, offering these choices:

  • Open with: Firefox opens the file using the default program in your system settings. You can also choose a different program by selecting Other… in the drop-down list.
  • Save to Disk: Firefox allows you to select a location to save the file. If you have selected Save all files to (this folder) in the Main panel of OptionsPreferences, the file will automatically be saved to the default folder; otherwise Firefox will ask you where to save it.
  • Do this automatically for files like this from now on: When this is selected, Firefox will automatically perform the selected action the next time you download a file of this type.

Tip: You can clear your saved optionspreferences for Do this automatically for files like this from now on in the Applications panel.

Making Firefox your default browser

Firefox displays web pages on the Internet and on your computer. To easily open web pages, you can make Firefox your default browser.

To make Firefox your default web browser, select Tools > OptionsEdit > PreferencesFirefox > Preferences and click the Check Now button in the Advanced panel.

Changing cache settings

Firefox stores copies of frequently accessed pages in the cache. By doing this Firefox doesn't have to retrieve the page from the network each time you view the web page.

To set the size of the cache:

  1. Select Tools > OptionsEdit > PreferencesFirefox > Preferences.
  2. Open the Advanced panel and click the Network tab.
  3. Enter a number in the Use up to field to specify the size of the cache. The default size is 50MB.

Important: A larger cache allows more data to be quickly retrieved, but more of your hard disk space is used.

When you quit Firefox, it performs cache maintenance. If maintenance takes longer than you wish, try reducing the size of the disk cache.

To reload a page at any time, click the Reload button in Firefox's Navigation Toolbar. Firefox then loads and displays the latest version of the page.