Hvornår og hvordan nøgleord bruges til at forbedre en artikels søgerangering

  • Revision id: 68427
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Nøgleords-feltet i en artikel kan bruges til at forbedre søgeresultatet. Det bør kun bruges under specifikke undstændigheder da misbrug kan skade søgningen. Denne artikel forklarer hvornår det er passende at tilføje nøgleord.

Hvordan indeksere søgemaskinen?

Hvert ord i hvert felt (titel, nøgleord, sammendrag, indholdet af vidensbase artikel) er indekseret af vores søgemaskine i sin ???root form baseret på engelske stemmer??? (aktuelt er intet andet sprog undersøttet). Så når vi indeksere "cookies" eller der er en som søger efter "cookies", så klipper ???stemmer??? det ned til noget i stil med "cook". Stopord, som "the", "is", and "at", indekseres men ignoreres.

Hvordan virker nøgleords-feltet?

Nøgleord-feltet er indekseret ligesom andre feltet. Dette betyder at hvis dit søgeterm findes i nøgleord-feltet, vil den artikel modtage et bestemt antal point for match i dette felt. Artiklen med højeste antal point over alle indekseret feltet vil blive vist øverst i søgeresultatlisten.

Nøgleords-feltet (og alle indholds-felter) har et maksimalt antal point som feltet kan få. Dog vinder ikke alle match fulde point for det felt. Søgealgoritmen tager højde for det totale antal a ord i feltet og bruger denne faktor i hvor mange point matchet er værd af de totalt mulige point. For eksempel, hvis indholds-feltet i alt har 10 point og du har 10 ord i alt i dette feltet og et af ordene er et match, så vil du modtage 1 point for dette match.

Now, if you look at the same field and we have only 2 words and 1 of those words is a match, you would receive 5 total points. This is oversimplification of the entire process, but the principle is accurate. The more words you have in a field, the less each match will be worth.

That means that if you add 10 keywords to an article that originally only had 1, you've just hurt the search rankings for that original keyword.

You can see an example of the entire search scoring algorithm here or for any search by appending "&explain=1" without quotes to the url.

Hvornår bør jeg bruge nøgleords-feltet?

The keywords field should be used as a last resort to achieve the appropriate search ranking for an article. We refer to this process as Content Tuning. In Content Tuning we manipulate the words in an article based on the words our customers use. That helps to boost the article higher in the search rankings so our users can find what they are looking for. The Keywords field is a very powerful search booster, but it should only be used as a last resort. If your article is getting poor search rankings (article visits only available for English KB), you should follow these steps:

  1. Look at your title - Does your title accurately describe the circumstances this article would be useful?
  2. Search summary - Does your search summary contain the words a user would use to describe what he wants?
  3. Body of the article - Look through the body of the article and be sure that you have used the language of the user. If there are a couple of different ways to describe the issue, try to use them both. Remember that brevity will increase the potency of the matches.
  4. Keyword manipulation - If you've tried all of the other Content Tuning steps above and you are still getting poor results, you can try adding a keyword. The keyword should be the most important word your end user would use to describe the issue. DO NOT just list every possible way to describe the article topic in the keywords field. Remember, that will make each match worth fewer points in the search rankings.