Username filled in, don't want it to
First, let me apologize if I picked a poor topic for this.
I log into a very sensitive site almost every day. Long ago I told Firefox NEVER to save the username or password. Long ago as in probably 2009. I let Firefox handle usernames and passwords for most sites, but never this one.
In the last few days, when I open the link to log into that site, there are two changes from what I had for years. One is that there is something in the Username field. It consists of a string of asterisks, then ends with the end of that username. The second change is that they box Remember my username is checked. I always uncheck it when I enter the proper username and password, but next time it starts out the same way.
What do I have to do to stop that site's login page from starting that way?
RH in CT
All Replies (1)
Suggestions in a login drop-down menu that have a key icon in front are login suggestions that you need to remove in the Password Manager.
Suggestions in a drop-down menu without a key symbol are autocomplete saved form data.
Suggestions without a key icon are part of autocomplete saved form data that you should be able to remove by selecting this item with the cursor Down key and pressing Delete (Mac: Shift+Delete).