Profile switching
I recently switched from windows to Linux, and was using it for 3 months now. It was due to window recall Feature. But still i was using chrome as default and daily browser. I wanted to explore firefox, its great actually, except 2 things which might need me to switch back to chrome or brave.
1. it don't have fu**king Profile switch, I mean i use 11 Profiles On Chrome, most people still use 2-4 profiles, how can we move to a browser that dont support profiles. I know we can add profiles by "about:Profiles" I tried it. It worked but guess what? To switch profile i have to manually go to that page to launch it. So much time consuming and frustrating. Why not simply add a btn on profile pic like chrome to switch profiles?
2. Add-ons is good thing, but there should be a way to install things from chrome web store, i not found any.
If firefox can fix these two things firefox can simply grow back to 30+ % market share, but if not people will just test l;like me and go.
All Replies (1)
Amanullah, you can create a shortcut to the about:profiles page in the bookmarks toolbar.
open about:profiles and bookmark it. Place the bookmark in the bookmarks toolbar for easy access.
Or: Open the library with ctrl+shift+O and navigate to the bookmarks toolbar, then select Organise > Add Bookmark… You can enter "about:profiles" in the URL field.
Either way, in the main window, as long as the bookmarks toolbar is visible (ctrl+shift+B) you will have a quick way to get to the profile switching page.
Another method is to use command-line options. You could create shortcuts on the desktop or start menu that look like, for example: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -P "profile_name" or: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -profile "profile_path"
Unfortunately I personally do not know of any quicker way than these. But other people have also been requesting a simpler profile-switching method, see https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/ideas/shortcut-for-different-profiles/idi-p/707
According to this page it is 'in development'.