ট্যাগ লাগানো প্রশ্নগুলো দেখানো হচ্ছে। সমস্ত প্রশ্ন দেখান
  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

What can I do if I receive this message?

Good Morning to Firefox Friends, I received the following message after logging in to an online acct. and wanted to review my online bill: "The address wasn’t understoo… (আরও পড়ুন)

Good Morning to Firefox Friends,

I received the following message after logging in to an online acct. and wanted to review my online bill:

"The address wasn’t understood. Firefox doesn’t know how to open this address, because one of the following protocols (javascript) isn’t associated with any program or is not allowed in this context. You might need to install other software to open this address."

Any thoughts or resolve? Also, I'm using AdBlocker Ultimate which I took via Firefox suggestion/recommendation.

Thank you in advance!


Debbie Rusignuolo Email: [email removed from public]

Asked by damicomarissa 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by cor-el 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

Problem with Screenshot in Newest Version of Firefox

For Firefox version 104.0.2, the screenshot feature is not working. This includes the icon that can be placed in the toolbar, the right click on webpage feature and the … (আরও পড়ুন)

For Firefox version 104.0.2, the screenshot feature is not working. This includes the icon that can be placed in the toolbar, the right click on webpage feature and the ctrl+shift+S method. You can "find" the feature (e.g., the "take screenshot" option will appear in the right clear option) but regardless of the manner selected, teh feature is inoperable.

Asked by drstone10 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by drstone10 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

streaming video sucks with firefox

youtube is the only site that streams properly(mostly), any other site gets stuck with 3 god dam dots in the middle. OTHER BROWSERS work JUST FINE. but I dont want to use… (আরও পড়ুন)

youtube is the only site that streams properly(mostly), any other site gets stuck with 3 god dam dots in the middle. OTHER BROWSERS work JUST FINE. but I dont want to use internet explorer anymore. FF USED to work well.

some site literally just stop playing video. for 10+ minutes or until I intervene. if I copy the link and put it into edge it streams without issues.

internet, router, and pc are not the problem, I'm having a firefox issue. ive reinstalled the browser and cleared cache but nothing fixes streaming.

Asked by jkohutiak 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by jkohutiak 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

Sept 2022 updates: keyboard not recognized

This is specific to one website, but it is both new and unique to Firefox. https://playclassic.games/games/turn-based-strategy-dos-games-online/play-sid-meiers-colonizati… (আরও পড়ুন)

This is specific to one website, but it is both new and unique to Firefox. https://playclassic.games/games/turn-based-strategy-dos-games-online/play-sid-meiers-colonization-online/play/

Prior to the last two <Firefox> updates (too many, too frequently!), no problem. Both keyboard and mouse were recognized. Since then, only the mouse, although everything's fine when I use Chrome.

Yes, I'm on the latest version, and have cleared caches and rebooted ... after every new version.

Asked by david.orear 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by cor-el 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

Firefox will not upload files.

Firefox will not upload files to attach to emails, or to the cloud. Says "Firefox not responding" and the little wheel just spins. Only solution is to quit Firefox. … (আরও পড়ুন)

Firefox will not upload files to attach to emails, or to the cloud. Says "Firefox not responding" and the little wheel just spins. Only solution is to quit Firefox.

Asked by pluedy 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by pluedy 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

Need Human Support. Is that possible?

My Firefox has intermittently (but many times a day) been been slow loading, often simply refusing to load at all. Clicking a link to open in a new tab often opens the t… (আরও পড়ুন)

My Firefox has intermittently (but many times a day) been been slow loading, often simply refusing to load at all. Clicking a link to open in a new tab often opens the tab but the tab says "New Tab" with an oscillating dot on the left. After a few minutes the dot stops and nothing displays. Often clicking something in Google News the new tab says "Opening " and then the Google URL. The page sometimes displays after a couple of minutes but sometimes never does.

I've disabled all my plugins except LastPass, but that doesn't help. My IT Support company hasn't been able to help. I tweeted Firefox and they suggested I DM them. I've done that, even sending a couple of illustrative screen videos. But no oikne has ever responded to my Twitter DM.

Is there any way to talk to a live person and share my screen to get some help?

If not, I'll need to abandon Firefox as my default browser after many, many years. It's become a real productivity-killer.

Asked by BillTreloar 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by BillTreloar 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

Getting Web Attack: Exploit Toolkit Website 115 alerts from Norton Security while using Firefox

I keep getting alerts from Norton while browsing ran Norton's scan and MBAM then ran Norton's Power Eraser. I did not fine the source of the problem. I added an entry t… (আরও পড়ুন)

I keep getting alerts from Norton while browsing ran Norton's scan and MBAM then ran Norton's Power Eraser. I did not fine the source of the problem. I added an entry to my hosts file hoping it would block the IP but it doesn't seem to work, I may have done something wrong. The entry I made is: 0redird.com at the end of the hosts file. Below is the log from Norton security, the full URL is very long:

Category: Intrusion Prevention Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,IPS Alert Name,Default Action,Action Taken,Attacking Computer,Attacker URL,Destination Address,Source Address,Traffic Description 9/8/2022 4:29:31 PM,High,An intrusion attempt by 0redird.com was blocked.,Blocked,No Action Required,Web Attack: Exploit Toolkit Website 115,No Action Required,No Action Required,"0redird.com (, 80)","http://0redird.com/jr.php?gz=1OEmizLy7QYVD%2F%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&vs=1024:576&ds=1920:1080&sl=0:0&os=f&nos=f&swfV=0.0.0&if=f&sc=f&gpu=Google%20Inc.%20(Intel)%20-%20ANGLE%20(Intel,%20Intel(R)%20HD%20Graphics%20Direct3D11%20vs_5_0%20ps_5_0)&anura_res=","FANMAN-PC (, 2237)",0redird.com (,"TCP, www-http" Network traffic from http://0redird.com/jr.php?gz=1OEmizLy7QYVD%2F%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&vs=1024:576&ds=1920:1080&sl=0:0&os=f&nos=f&swfV=0.0.0&if=f&sc=f&gpu=Google%20Inc.%20(Intel)%20-%20ANGLE%20(Intel,%20Intel(R)%20HD%20Graphics%20Direct3D11%20vs_5_0%20ps_5_0)&anura_res= matches the signature of a known attack. The attack was resulted from \DEVICE\HARDDISKVOLUME1\PROGRAM FILES\MOZILLA FIREFOX\FIREFOX.EXE. To stop being notified for this type of traffic, in the Actions panel, click Stop Notifying Me. Any help will be appreciated, I can't find any info about this exploit inmy web searches.

Asked by fanman2 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

Hardware Acceleration "available by default" but not working

Hi. I have an older computer from 2007 with Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit fully updated on it, as well as an Intel Pentium M 2.3 GHz, 2 GB RAM, and an ATI Mobility Radeon X60… (আরও পড়ুন)

Hi. I have an older computer from 2007 with Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit fully updated on it, as well as an Intel Pentium M 2.3 GHz, 2 GB RAM, and an ATI Mobility Radeon X600 with the most recent Windows Update driver, which is 8.561.0.0 from Dec 1st 2008. I also have "DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)" installed (had it before, and just reinstalled it anyway). And as I said, it's fully updated, meaning it also has the DirectX 11.1 update installed.

I installed the newest Firefox on it, and going on `about:support`, Hardware Acceleration tells me it's available by default but it's not working anyway (either "unavailable by runtime" or "failed by runtime", saying either that WebRender failed initializing, or that it failed acquiring a D3D11 device, and no idea why, because I think I just reinstalled it with the Microsoft DX installed from their download pages(?).

What does that mean? How can I fix this and get it to work? I could really use HW acceleration on this old thing. I've already disabled disk cache, and now the only issue is the high CPU bottleneck on it if I watch a video or do other rather intensive thing (even though the video is at 360p). [By the way, congratulations, this is the fastest browser I've found, and disabling disk cache and changing memory cache capacity are really very useful options, so thank you so much].

Does it help if I saw dxdiag says there was a problem with DirectShow, even though if I ignore the error, DirectShow, Direct3D and APG textures are still "Activated"? (If I don't ignore the error, dxdiag crashes)

I can provide any other required information. Thank you.

Asked by Edw590 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by Edw590 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

Error 494

I keep getting Error 494 when I try to access one specific commercial UK based website. This website opens correctly if a different browser is used. Why?

Asked by Budgie94 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by cor-el 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

Broken search

Getting sick of FireFox, I want to search from the GOOGLE SEARCH BAR, not the address bar, but the settings don't work you can choose to have the search bar next to the a… (আরও পড়ুন)

Getting sick of FireFox, I want to search from the GOOGLE SEARCH BAR, not the address bar, but the settings don't work you can choose to have the search bar next to the address bar, but it doesn't work, the google search bar doesn't work either, no matter what setting, your search ends up in the address bar, with all the updates, they don't fix crap on here, when someone makes a complaint, FIX THE CRAP, I don't need to ask 100 people why it wont work, just FIX IT!!

Asked by crapjunkmail 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

VP9 HW decoding not available with AMD GPUs on macOS

Playing back 4K YouTube videos on macOS uses software decoding, when the only GPU available is from AMD, despite the GPU being capable of VP9 decoding. Unsure if macOS's … (আরও পড়ুন)

Playing back 4K YouTube videos on macOS uses software decoding, when the only GPU available is from AMD, despite the GPU being capable of VP9 decoding. Unsure if macOS's AMD drivers just don't have VP8/VP9 decoding baked in at all.

Asked by Piipperi 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by Piipperi 1 বছর আগে

  • মীমাংসিত
  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

Error 400 - Bad Request The request could not be understood by server due to malformed syntax.

For the past 8-10 days, every time I try to log-on to: https://selfservice.telkom.co.za/rococo/public/content/interstitial I click "Login" under the Mobile & Home hea… (আরও পড়ুন)

For the past 8-10 days, every time I try to log-on to: https://selfservice.telkom.co.za/rococo/public/content/interstitial I click "Login" under the Mobile & Home heading and I receive the following message returned.

Bad Request The request could not be understood by server due to malformed syntax.

I have used MS EDGE browser and do not get the same problem, it log's-on OK.

As such it seems that it is a Firefox problem.

Asked by Brian E 1 বছর আগে

Answered by cor-el 1 বছর আগে

  • মীমাংসিত
  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

end of file errors for google and facebook

www.google.com. PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR www.facebook.com. PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR Hi, This occurred after a moment of power loss during a thunderstorm on my Lenovo desktop.… (আরও পড়ুন)

www.google.com. PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR www.facebook.com. PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR Hi, This occurred after a moment of power loss during a thunderstorm on my Lenovo desktop. All my other sites as far as i can tell are ok. I used Edge and was able to access FB and Google on Desktop] i checked and the current version of firefox is installed on desktop

even weirder, i can access both google and FB on my laptop with firefox. I've tried syncing the two with having bookmarks etc. i can sync from laptop to desktop but not vise versa.

i thought I'd uninstall and reinstall firefox but i don't want to lose any info esp my Bookmarks on the Desktop hence why i was trying to sync the two.

My desktop is older, maybe 5-6 years, my laptop is 1 year old. Dunno if this matters. thanks, Jan

Asked by jansch135 1 বছর আগে

Answered by cor-el 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

After proper pc restart, all of my tabs/pages are Gone. Firefox failed to restore pages, session, everything. Help!

I restarted my pc, properly. Everything is setup on Firefox to restore sessions/pages. It has always worked properly, until now. Nothing was restored. Im livid. Ive … (আরও পড়ুন)

I restarted my pc, properly. Everything is setup on Firefox to restore sessions/pages. It has always worked properly, until now. Nothing was restored. Im livid. Ive checked everything I know to check. If this is the new Firefox, Im gone. I keep tabs open for work, etc. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Asked by muzik7 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by cor-el 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

My password generasting program IOLO(Bypass password Manager) does not display corectly when using firefox

The password program does not display the entire page when I signed in and using the program. The program works perfectly using other browsers(Edge / Chrome), it's only o… (আরও পড়ুন)

The password program does not display the entire page when I signed in and using the program. The program works perfectly using other browsers(Edge / Chrome), it's only on Firefox that I have this problem. I've worked with the password people and they can't fix the problem either.

I've attached a screen shot of problem. The box with the red bar at the top should also have a red bar box at the bottom, bit all you can see is a sliver of red at the bottom.

Asked by den.reba 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

Transmitting order instructions to broker

Here is a message I have sent my broker -- I have complained previously about Commsec not accepting instructions from browsers. Firefox is the worst, but Chrome and E… (আরও পড়ুন)

Here is a message I have sent my broker --

I have complained previously about Commsec not accepting instructions from browsers. Firefox is the worst, but Chrome and Edge are also affected. Stopping and re-running the browser helps. Only trading instructions are affected. Up to now, that is : Firefox has now started occasionally failing with less sensitive instructions. In fact Firefox is now so bad that I must use only Chrome. I don't know where the fault lies -- broker, browser, me or all of us. Thanks if you would convey this issue to your software team.

Possibly the problem lies with overly tight security somewhere in the communication. What do you think?

Asked by eagerd 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by Terry 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

Firefox loads different website languages every time

The problem is as follows: Every time I load some multilagual web page (Aliexpress, prestashop.com fox example) Mozilla loads the page in different language. After I cha… (আরও পড়ুন)

The problem is as follows:

Every time I load some multilagual web page (Aliexpress, prestashop.com fox example) Mozilla loads the page in different language. After I change the language and load a new page from the site, the language is changed again to a random one. Every time I click a button or link, the language is changed.

Cleared cache, and cookies and everithing multiple times. After 3-4 days it does the same thing. Tried fresh install - after a while starts to do the same thing. Installed Firefox Developer Edition - after 6 months starts to do the same thing. Installed Waterfox on different PC - same as Firefox Developer - after 6 months starts to do the same thing.

Does anyone have the same problem? Why is it happening? Is it only me?

Asked by TEMPEX 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by TEMPEX 1 বছর আগে

  • সংরক্ষণ করা হয়েছে

firefox will not play audio.

So I can not play audio from any website in firefox. I updated, refreshed, used troubleshoot mode, and unistall & reinstalled. Nothing works. I know it is not my PC b… (আরও পড়ুন)

So I can not play audio from any website in firefox. I updated, refreshed, used troubleshoot mode, and unistall & reinstalled. Nothing works. I know it is not my PC because the sound works on every other app, just firefox wont play audio PLEASE HELP

Asked by cheezyelyah930 1 বছর আগে

Last reply by peterjhajduk 1 বছর আগে