ট্যাগ লাগানো প্রশ্নগুলো দেখানো হচ্ছে। সমস্ত প্রশ্ন দেখান

Firefox randomly downloaded a file, with seemingly randomly name, that is 0 bytes and in download manager the source is moz-safe-about

Hello, Firefox randomly downloaded a file, with seemingly randomly name, that is 0 bytes and in download manager the source is moz-safe-about. It happened when I was acce… (আরও পড়ুন)

Hello, Firefox randomly downloaded a file, with seemingly randomly name, that is 0 bytes and in download manager the source is moz-safe-about. It happened when I was accessing a popular wiki site. I opened the file in notepad, it was empty. I put it on virus total and came back negative, as it is an empty file. I've curbed through the support tickets here, using the keyphrase 'moz-safe-about'. I understand this was/is quite a common problem, but it still makes me quite worried and left a sour taste in my mouth, as I haven't understood any of the explanations. I have enabled firefox to ask me whenever it wants to save something (I have no idea why this isnt the default state). Happened on a somewhat fresh, updated win 11 installation. I'm also attaching more information here with a picture. Long story short: should I be worried? Am I overreacting and this is just some sort of a bug that occurred while getting a sites data? Thank you for your time.

Asked by grindart3 3 মাসসমূহ আগে

Last reply by coffeelover101011 1 মাস আগে

how to disable new Firefox feature?

I heard that the newest version of Firefox (which I have not upgraded to yet) has a feature that makes it easier to accidentally visit a website whose URL is on the clipb… (আরও পড়ুন)

I heard that the newest version of Firefox (which I have not upgraded to yet) has a feature that makes it easier to accidentally visit a website whose URL is on the clipboard. I googled to find out how to disable it, and the Featured Snippet said "go to about:config and change clipboard.autocopy to false." Sounded simple, so I did it, but subsequently found out that the article it quotes from is 10 years of age!

My first question, then, is: what does changing "clipboard.autocopy" to false do if it doesn't turn off the brand-new feature?

The second question is, how do I disable the new URL Paste Suggestion feature? Will setting "clipboard.autocopy" disable it? In particular, I want to make sure that the browser does not pre-load or pre-fetch the clipboard URL, and in fact, I wish to pop up a dialog box any time I do "paste and go." People often copy URLs from e-mails to research them before visiting them directly; jumping directly will increase the likelihood of visiting an imposter site.

Asked by 4232jl 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Last reply by zeroknight 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

I want to write an addon firewall but it fails

#!/bin/bash # Verzeichnis erstellen mkdir FoxyAddOnFirewall cd FoxyAddOnFirewall || exit # package.json erstellen cat <<EOF > package.json { "title": "Foxy A… (আরও পড়ুন)


# Verzeichnis erstellen
mkdir FoxyAddOnFirewall
cd FoxyAddOnFirewall || exit

# package.json erstellen
cat <<EOF > package.json
  "title": "Foxy AddOn Firewall",
  "name": "foxy-addon-firewall",
  "description": "A Firefox addon to control internet access for other addons",
  "author": "Your Name",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "license": "MIT"

# background.js erstellen
cat <<EOF > background.js
var permissionManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/permissionmanager;1"]

// Addon-Liste abrufen
function getAllAddons() {
    var {AddonManager} = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm", {});
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        AddonManager.getAllAddons(function(addons) {

// GUI aktualisieren
function updateUI() {
    getAllAddons().then(function(addons) {
        var addonList = document.getElementById("addon-list");
        addonList.innerHTML = ""; // Zurücksetzen der Liste

        addons.forEach(function(addon) {
            var listItem = document.createElement("li");
            listItem.textContent = addon.name;
            var blockButton = document.createElement("button");
            blockButton.textContent = "Block";
            blockButton.addEventListener("click", function() {


// Internetzugriff für ein bestimmtes Addon blockieren
function blockInternetAccessForAddon(addon) {
    var host = addon.getResourceURI("").host;
    permissionManager.remove(host, "allAccess");
    console.log("Internetzugriff für " + addon.name + " wurde blockiert.");

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    updateUI(); // GUI beim Laden der Seite aktualisieren

# index.html erstellen
cat <<EOF > index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Foxy AddOn Firewall</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
  <h1>Foxy AddOn Firewall</h1>
  <p>Welcome to Foxy AddOn Firewall!</p>

  <h2>Installed Addons:</h2>
  <ul id="addon-list">
    <!-- Addon-Liste wird hier eingefügt -->

  <script src="background.js"></script>

# style.css erstellen
cat <<EOF > style.css
body {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
  text-align: center;

h1 {
  color: #007bff;

h2 {
  margin-top: 20px;

ul {
  list-style-type: none;
  padding: 0;

li {
  margin-bottom: 10px;

button {
  background-color: #007bff;
  color: white;
  border: none;
  padding: 5px 10px;
  border-radius: 5px;
  cursor: pointer;

button:hover {
  background-color: #0056b3;

# manifest.json erstellen
cat <<EOF > manifest.json
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "Foxy AddOn Firewall",
  "version": "1.0",
  "description": "A Firefox addon to control internet access for other addons",
  "icons": {
    "48": "icon.png"
  "permissions": [
  "browser_action": {
    "default_popup": "index.html",
    "default_icon": "icon.png"

# Icon herunterladen
wget -O icon.png "https://img.icons8.com/ios-filled/50/000000/firewall.png"

# Installationsanweisungen anzeigen
echo "FoxyAddOnFirewall wurde erfolgreich initialisiert!"
echo "Um das Addon in Firefox zu installieren:"
echo "1. Öffnen Sie Firefox und geben Sie 'about:debugging' in die Adressleiste ein."
echo "2. Klicken Sie auf 'Dieses Firefox installieren' unter 'Temporäre Add-ons laden'."
echo "3. Navigieren Sie zum Verzeichnis 'FoxyAddOnFirewall' und wählen Sie die 'manifest.json' Datei aus."
echo "4. Das Addon wird nun installiert und kann verwendet werden."

Asked by j.sobiech 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Username data field

While this is a Privacy and Security setting issue - at least tangentially - my question isn't about security so much as how this data is being stored/retrieved. I navig… (আরও পড়ুন)

While this is a Privacy and Security setting issue - at least tangentially - my question isn't about security so much as how this data is being stored/retrieved.

I navigated to an entirely new site the other day and it requested a username and password. When the cursor was in the Username field, a set of proposed entries showed up. These were all (recognizable) first names - not emails. When I checked the Privacy and Security settings, I couldn't find any of the names in stored data. While this may be just cached entries for similar fields ("username" or "name" etc...), the list I saw was heavily curated. One of the names I don't ever recall even entering in any name field (and wouldn't have been used for any login) - but even if I had, the list that I saw was far from exhaustive and would only have been a very specific subset of any data I would have entered into any "name" or "username" field.

Is there somewhere I can find how that list was generated?

Thank you,

Asked by nikolai42 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Firefox Browser

When I go into Privacy & Settings, then cookies & site data, I uncheck the box for cookies & site data. It doesn't save. Next time I go in it is checked again… (আরও পড়ুন)

When I go into Privacy & Settings, then cookies & site data, I uncheck the box for cookies & site data. It doesn't save. Next time I go in it is checked again. How do I get this setting to save? I'm using Windows 10, Firefox 124.0.2.

Asked by Anita Adam 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Last reply by zeroknight 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Password Manager protection Security Flaw?

I am very surprised and somewhat disappointed that the Password manager protection does not sync across devices. I refer to thread:"Firefox Primary Password is different … (আরও পড়ুন)

I am very surprised and somewhat disappointed that the Password manager protection does not sync across devices. I refer to thread:"Firefox Primary Password is different on my 2 PC's" in the archived Q&A section.

I love the Password manager and this is my main source to keep track of the 1000's of passwords we have to have to operate nowadays and they are easily accessible. It was always my issue that I felt they were very vulnerable as I had not turned on the Password protection due to bad past experience with not properly understanding the feature at first and being locked out of all my passwords or so it felt. I have now re-established this option and feel more secure(maybe foolishly). But, I believe there is a serious security flaw in Mozilla. I can understand that you offer the option to have different password on a per device basis. However I feel the implementation of this is very dangerous and can inadvertently expose all my passwords without my consent.

When I opened my new computer, I did set-up Firefox as my primary browser and enabled Syncing data. I made the foolish assumption that Syncing my password would offer me the same protection as the one I have on my main PC. I was surprised not to be asked for my main password when opening the browser nor do I recall been asked to set-up one new one for the new machine.

If my profile says that I want my passwords to be protected, I would at minima force the same default on any new browser install and require either authorization and / or verification from the original or another previously registered device before sharing the passwords. Passwords should be protected by default as defined i my profile. Otherwise, if my Firefox account is compromised, I will automatically expose all my passwords to anyone.

I do not recall, because I do not install Firefox everyday, but on my Android device, I was not asked whether I wanted to protect my passwords or not. They were by default or so it felt. Yes, they do not use my main password, they rely on my bio-metric info. So, there is a basic layer of protection. Why not in Windows?

Your thoughts?

Asked by Jmarc 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Last reply by TechHorse 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Secure Connection Failed on a LAN IP address

I have a bunch of stuff on my LAN, all with static IPs (so I can find things). New Reolink security camera can't be accessed via a browser and it's static IP. Secure Con… (আরও পড়ুন)

I have a bunch of stuff on my LAN, all with static IPs (so I can find things). New Reolink security camera can't be accessed via a browser and it's static IP.

Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR


   The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
   Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

Am I truly unable to have access to my own LAN? There has to be a way around this, doesn't there?

Asked by simon186 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Last reply by zeroknight 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

This connection is not secure. Logins entered here could be compromised

Hi all, I am currently getting a warning message as shown, this website is one only accessible from the local network here and so this error message can be ignored. Howev… (আরও পড়ুন)

Hi all, I am currently getting a warning message as shown, this website is one only accessible from the local network here and so this error message can be ignored. However i was wondering if there is a way for me to disable the warning message as if clicked on will take us out of this window and we want to stay in this window.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Asked by Clockin out Moduflex 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Last reply by cor-el 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Camera and microphone are blocked. Sessions by Psychology Today requires access to your camera and microphone. Click the camera blocked icon Camera and microphone are blocked. in your browser's address bar and refresh your browser.

HELP Please have tried numerous times by instructions given on support. Nothing is working. Can not correct with Dr. Thank you:) Camera and microphone are blocked. Sess… (আরও পড়ুন)

HELP Please have tried numerous times by instructions given on support. Nothing is working. Can not correct with Dr. Thank you:)

Camera and microphone are blocked. Sessions by Psychology Today requires access to your camera and microphone. Click the camera blocked icon Camera and microphone are blocked. in your browser's address bar and refresh your browser.

Asked by STAMPS 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Last reply by cor-el 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

easeus.com shows up as a session opened by Firefox in task manager (performance tab)

Hello support staff. Here are the specifics ... 1. I installed undelete software from easeus.com 2. Uninstalled the above software 3. In Win10 Task manager under th… (আরও পড়ুন)

Hello support staff. Here are the specifics ...

1. I installed undelete software from easeus.com 2. Uninstalled the above software 3. In Win10 Task manager under the Performance--Resource Monitor--Network option, saw firefox had a session opened with easeus.com

4. Windows defender shows nothing abnormal. 5. Removed all entries for easeus in registry. 6. Unistalled firefox and reinstalled it. 7. Start firefox and go to some site. 8. Firefox again has a open session with easeus.com in the Task manager.

9. Installed Chrome. No such session with easeus.com on Chrome under Task manager.

10. Issue at 3. pops up whenever I start firefox AND start browsing a site.


Asked by Vinay Khandka 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Last reply by cor-el 2 মাসসমূহ আগে

Passwords and login, names and addresses

I have tried all the suggestion in the FAQ section. I must not be understanding. I normally use Edge and it easily store my information so I don't have to input it eve… (আরও পড়ুন)

I have tried all the suggestion in the FAQ section. I must not be understanding. I normally use Edge and it easily store my information so I don't have to input it every time. However, Firefox does not store it at all. The FAQ say after you type your password you get a save or not save message. I do not get it. No where does it allow me to store anything. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Firefox to make sure I have the latest. But same results. Any suggestion on what or how to store my data. I do not see the screens the FAQ shows. How can I save my data. I want to get rid of edge.

Asked by bonafede2007 3 মাসসমূহ আগে

Last reply by zeroknight 3 মাসসমূহ আগে

Firefox Review Checker

How do I delete, remove, or otherwise disable that garbage "review checker" from the latest firefox update. It's useless, un-needed thing that I don't trust. option to O… (আরও পড়ুন)

How do I delete, remove, or otherwise disable that garbage "review checker" from the latest firefox update. It's useless, un-needed thing that I don't trust.

option to OPT out REMOVE/DELETE or completely DISABLE!

Asked by BrokenG 3 মাসসমূহ আগে

Last reply by cor-el 3 মাসসমূহ আগে

Why does Firefox block password managers?

Integration from password managers are being blocked by Firefox because Mozilla believes something is critical to protect when trying to access their servers ( account.fi… (আরও পড়ুন)

Integration from password managers are being blocked by Firefox because Mozilla believes something is critical to protect when trying to access their servers ( account.firefox.com )


Additionally, there is a work around, with removing ALL entries for the extensions.webextensions.restrictedDomains config flag. But why does Mozilla think they are so important that extensions shouldn't use them?

Asked by GayKiwi 3 মাসসমূহ আগে

Last reply by cor-el 3 মাসসমূহ আগে

Sites you have never visited will be marked as “visited” and recommended first.

If I enter "na", the namu.wiki site, which I have never visited, appears as a recommendation. Even though I reset my visit history and settings, that site still appears a… (আরও পড়ুন)

If I enter "na", the namu.wiki site, which I have never visited, appears as a recommendation. Even though I reset my visit history and settings, that site still appears as a recommendation. Is there a solution?

Asked by Applesyrup 3 মাসসমূহ আগে

Last reply by cor-el 3 মাসসমূহ আগে