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Graphical problems on Surface Pro X (arm64)
Using the arm64 version of Firefox on a Surface Pro X causes several graphical issues. These issues started either with a update of Firefox or drivers. This topic has al… (আরও পড়ুন)
Using the arm64 version of Firefox on a Surface Pro X causes several graphical issues. These issues started either with a update of Firefox or drivers.
This topic has already been reported, please see here for more information and documentation: Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/182iojx/firefox_arm64_graphical_problems_on_surface_pro_x/ Mozilla Connect: https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/discussions/firefox-arm64-graphical-problems-on-surface-pro-x/m-p/52086
What can be done to report this issue and help it getting fixed?