After Windows update - issue with Bookmark-Tags
Hi! I was prompted earlier today to update Windows 10 on my laptop, and now adding tags to Bookmarks isn't working correctly.
If I try to add tags to a bookmark, normally - I start typing the tag and if I already have tags starting with those letters a list would usually show of my existing tags that start with those letters - and I can choose which tag I want to use.
Since the update, what I get is a list of what tags are already on the tag-line for my bookmark! This is terrible.
I have a huge library of Bookmarks - most of which are extremely well-tagged.
When I start typing a tag name, I need the interface to act like it did previously - and show me what tags I have that start with those same letters.
My Firefox browser is on auto-update so it's up-to-date.
I hope this gets fixed very shortly because I really hate it! And I'm constantly adding new bookmarks and editing my old ones - so this is such an annoyance.
I hope my description is good enough because I can't get a screen-shot (as soon as I try to activate the screen-shot thing, clicking to do that makes my Edit Bookmark window disappear).
I do hope this gets sorted out soon! BTW, I'm usually very happy with the Bookmarks system :) ~Liz