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Unable to type a "space"

When typing comments on a web blog, after the spacebar is used, the first letter of the next word eliminates the previously typed space. So what I end up with is all word… (прочетете още)

When typing comments on a web blog, after the spacebar is used, the first letter of the next word eliminates the previously typed space. So what I end up with is all words in a sentence running together. Tried other browsers and they work fine. Changed keyboard as well no joy. Typing is normal in applications like adobe, word, etc..... Only happens during Firefox use......... Uninstalled and reinstalled Firefox, also no help..... How do I fix ?

Asked by doej79779 преди 1 година

Последен отговор от cor-elпреди 1 година

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Other Bookmarks in the Firefox Toolbar is missing

I had an arrow on the right side of my FF Toolbar for "Other Bookmarks". Recently it went missing. I have many bookmarks under that heading, and can get to them through… (прочетете още)

I had an arrow on the right side of my FF Toolbar for "Other Bookmarks". Recently it went missing. I have many bookmarks under that heading, and can get to them through the Bookmarks Manager, but no arrow on the Toolbar. How can I get it back?

Asked by Barry_Merchant преди 1 година

Answered by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer преди 1 година

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PRIVACY: The Big Lie

You will tell me why Mozilla Firefox, a browser that claim to protect our privacy, is PERMANENTLY connected to Amazon servers. Even If I try to block the connections wit… (прочетете още)

You will tell me why Mozilla Firefox, a browser that claim to protect our privacy, is PERMANENTLY connected to Amazon servers.

Even If I try to block the connections with a Firewall, it's useless, because the next time I start it, it still connects to Amazon using diffferent IP address, even if the starting page is totally blank.

It is not about keeping firefox up-to-date, because when I manually start the search for an update, Firefox establish a new connection: Mozilla REALLY want my browser to SEND datas to Amazon, which is one of the worst company when we talk about collecting personnal informations, just like Google, which Firefox also use, but it's less dramatic since I can decide to not use that feature.

So, like I wrote, I try to block Amazon IP addresses: The result is that I can't access extensions store, but that's still not the use of these servers, since even If It's blocked, Amazon still appears in Established connections, and it's not about Search: Indeed, Amazon appears in a list of engines we can use ( if we want it ), but it's un-checked, and I use a different search engine, so what's left now, since there's apparently no reason at all for these connections to happen.

Here's my theory: Mozilla need money to survive, so it sell informations about its users to Amazon, and that's why it's so important to keep these connections alive.

The fact that we're forced to connect to Amazon servers shows that it's not necessary and that whatever the reason you ive me (update, protection...), it's probably (obviously) not the truth.

Waiting for a real answer !


Asked by SmilieX преди 1 година

Answered by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer преди 1 година

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Slow Start Up on Ubuntu 22.04 wXFCE

Hello, I've spent several hours today trying to fix FireFox slow start up on my system. After start up (about 2 full minutes), everything works normally. The hardware i… (прочетете още)


I've spent several hours today trying to fix FireFox slow start up on my system. After start up (about 2 full minutes), everything works normally. The hardware is an ASUS A88xm-A MB, A10-6800K processor, 16G DDR3, runs OS and programs off an SSD. I worked through all the slow startup suggestions, ran memtest (0 Errors, 1 Pass), disabled all add ons, (even the OpenH264 video codec (I use the onboard HDMI, no graphics card)), turned off hardware acceleration, etc. When starting in troubleshoot mode, less than 30 seconds, (acceptable), but I really don't know where to begin with the "More Troubleshooting Information" when I look at the table generated by it. There have been no other problems to date with the system, and the long start-up time began with 20.04 Ubuntu (about a minute), then got worse when I upgraded to 22.04 to try to solve THAT problem. Currently running FF 104.0, and the update page says wait for a distro update if that is how it was installed. I believe 104.0 is the latest Linux 64b version though. All updates to the system are done as soon as I'm notified of them. there have been none since the upgrade a few days ago.

Any suggestions? Gotta get some sleep now... TIA, Dave

Asked by dkosewick преди 1 година

Answered by dkosewick преди 1 година

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Firefox does not see Canon printer

I am running Unix Ubuntu 22.04 with Firefox 104.0.01 (64 bit). My Canon LBP 6230DW works fine in my word processor and in Chrome, but it does not show up in the Printer d… (прочетете още)

I am running Unix Ubuntu 22.04 with Firefox 104.0.01 (64 bit). My Canon LBP 6230DW works fine in my word processor and in Chrome, but it does not show up in the Printer destination field when I am in Firefox. The only print option is to "Save as PDF." How do I get the Canon to be a print destination in Firefox?

Asked by CMayer1 преди 1 година

Последен отговор от jonzn4SUSEпреди 1 година

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Broken font-families

Hi everyone, lately I started experiencing a font-family-related issue. On certain websites the font-families/styles look broken. I tried troubleshooting the issue by my… (прочетете още)

Hi everyone,

lately I started experiencing a font-family-related issue. On certain websites the font-families/styles look broken. I tried troubleshooting the issue by myself without any luck. What I did so far was reset my Windows fonts to default, reinstall Firefox and look what font-families are loaded through the Inspect tool. If I opened the same web page in Chrome the font looks OK. Two websites the issue is most visible at - support.fiverr.com and gmail.com when someone replies to my e-mail.

Please find below a screenshot of what I mean

Asked by koko преди 1 година

Answered by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer преди 1 година

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ProctorU message Your Monitor Count could not be found

Trying to use ProctorU with Firefox 104.0.2 on Windows 11 Home, and I am getting the following message : "Monitor Count : You may only use 1 monitor during you… (прочетете още)

Trying to use ProctorU with Firefox 104.0.2 on Windows 11 Home, and I am getting the following message : "Monitor Count : You may only use 1 monitor during your exam. Your monitor count could not be found". I searched for possible fixes, and someone mentioned removing fingerprinters, and possibly also remove cookies and tracking content from Firefox enforcement. I removed all 3 and that did not help. I also tried clearing cookies and site data and also cached web content, this did not help. Is there some other setting in Firefox that might be preventing the detection of the monitor count? Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?

Asked by RAR преди 1 година

Последен отговор от jscher2000 - Support Volunteerпреди 1 година

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Getting Web Attack: Exploit Toolkit Website 115 alerts from Norton Security while using Firefox

I keep getting alerts from Norton while browsing ran Norton's scan and MBAM then ran Norton's Power Eraser. I did not fine the source of the problem. I added an entry t… (прочетете още)

I keep getting alerts from Norton while browsing ran Norton's scan and MBAM then ran Norton's Power Eraser. I did not fine the source of the problem. I added an entry to my hosts file hoping it would block the IP but it doesn't seem to work, I may have done something wrong. The entry I made is: 0redird.com at the end of the hosts file. Below is the log from Norton security, the full URL is very long:

Category: Intrusion Prevention Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,IPS Alert Name,Default Action,Action Taken,Attacking Computer,Attacker URL,Destination Address,Source Address,Traffic Description 9/8/2022 4:29:31 PM,High,An intrusion attempt by 0redird.com was blocked.,Blocked,No Action Required,Web Attack: Exploit Toolkit Website 115,No Action Required,No Action Required,"0redird.com (, 80)","http://0redird.com/jr.php?gz=1OEmizLy7QYVD%2F%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&vs=1024:576&ds=1920:1080&sl=0:0&os=f&nos=f&swfV=0.0.0&if=f&sc=f&gpu=Google%20Inc.%20(Intel)%20-%20ANGLE%20(Intel,%20Intel(R)%20HD%20Graphics%20Direct3D11%20vs_5_0%20ps_5_0)&anura_res=","FANMAN-PC (, 2237)",0redird.com (,"TCP, www-http" Network traffic from http://0redird.com/jr.php?gz=1OEmizLy7QYVD%2F%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&vs=1024:576&ds=1920:1080&sl=0:0&os=f&nos=f&swfV=0.0.0&if=f&sc=f&gpu=Google%20Inc.%20(Intel)%20-%20ANGLE%20(Intel,%20Intel(R)%20HD%20Graphics%20Direct3D11%20vs_5_0%20ps_5_0)&anura_res= matches the signature of a known attack. The attack was resulted from \DEVICE\HARDDISKVOLUME1\PROGRAM FILES\MOZILLA FIREFOX\FIREFOX.EXE. To stop being notified for this type of traffic, in the Actions panel, click Stop Notifying Me. Any help will be appreciated, I can't find any info about this exploit inmy web searches.

Asked by fanman2 преди 1 година

Последен отговор от jscher2000 - Support Volunteerпреди 1 година

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Download button on Toolbar does not display downloads over certain amount

When I click the download button I usually see my recent downloads and click open the file directly from the drop down. After 10-20 downloads are performed the drop down … (прочетете още)

When I click the download button I usually see my recent downloads and click open the file directly from the drop down. After 10-20 downloads are performed the drop down no longer shows my recent files until I restart firefox. I think the issue is once you hit a certain amount of downloads the preview drop down no longer works. Is this a know bug? Its happening on any pc, im on version 104.0.2 (64-bit)

Asked by Jeff G преди 1 година

Последен отговор от jscher2000 - Support Volunteerпреди 1 година

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page not found error

I'm using a new laptop so everything is a fresh install. A few of the newsletters I've signed up for are now using GetResponse for their marketing. Any link I click on i… (прочетете още)

I'm using a new laptop so everything is a fresh install. A few of the newsletters I've signed up for are now using GetResponse for their marketing. Any link I click on in these emails leads me to a "The page you're looking for doesn't exist" error 404. No matter what I try (disabling all extensions & setting Firefox's config setting 'extensions.blocklist.enabled' to false). Both of the companies that send the newsletters as well as GetResponse don't really seem to care and just blame Firefox. Can anyone help me fix this... if in fact it's something on my laptop that's creating the issue? I only use Firefox browser... nothing else and would hate to starting using some unsafe browser just to access these links. Thanks.

Asked by Delmond преди 1 година

Последен отговор от cor-elпреди 1 година

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context menu changes not recognized in userChrome.css

Frequently when I update Firefox something stops working the way I want it to. So after the last update I disabled updates. That was a while ago (version 89) and my brows… (прочетете още)

Frequently when I update Firefox something stops working the way I want it to. So after the last update I disabled updates. That was a while ago (version 89) and my browser was getting pretty stale. So I backed everything up, reenabled updates, and now I have version 104.

And, of course, something is broken now. The context menus when I right click are not functioning as before. The userChrome.css is still there in the chrome folder in my profile and has the same contents. The option toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets is set to true. But it doesn't work anymore. I added a line to change the color of the tab toolbar and that worked. So userChrome.css is being read and acted upon. But the other command (I whittled it down to just one additional command for testing) is ignored.

Here is what my userChrome.css looks like right now:

@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul");

  1. context-openlinkintab { display:none!important; }
  2. TabsToolbar{ background-color: #CCCCCC !important }

But the "Open Link in New Tab" still appears in the context menu when I right click a link. It didn't do this before the upgrade to 104. Did something break in between version 89 and 104 or is it some other oddity?

Any ideas?

Asked by penderjohnd преди 1 година

Answered by cor-el преди 1 година

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Download history gets deleted by itself

Whenever i restart Firefox, my download history gets deleted, but the downloaded files in the file manager don't. I have tried creating new profiles and altering my setti… (прочетете още)

Whenever i restart Firefox, my download history gets deleted, but the downloaded files in the file manager don't. I have tried creating new profiles and altering my settings, nothing really works, its the same for all the files, and for all the new profiles i create too. Is there a permanent solution?

Asked by Lege4d преди 1 година

Последен отговор от Lege4dпреди 1 година

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"This connection is not secure. Logins entered here could be compromised" messages started on last update, wont disable

Latest Firefox update 104.0 started displaying "This connection is not secure. Logins entered here could be compromised" again after previously being disabled. It's an a… (прочетете още)

Latest Firefox update 104.0 started displaying "This connection is not secure. Logins entered here could be compromised" again after previously being disabled. It's an annoying message that pops up on my intranet logins and I want it disabled again. I did the usual in about:config and set security.insecure_field_warning.contextual.enabled to False and security.insecure_password.ui.enabled to False like previously, but the message is still there. It seems that latest update is forcing this message and ignoring the settings to disable them. Please help!

Asked by Kyosji преди 1 година

Последен отговор от yinan808преди 1 година

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Text overlapping on table content

I got this issue when tried to read some API document provided by a marketplace that i have project with. I tried on another browser and it shown normal, not a single tex… (прочетете още)

I got this issue when tried to read some API document provided by a marketplace that i have project with. I tried on another browser and it shown normal, not a single text is overlapping. I've tried some suggestion on another topic to pick No Style on Page Style menu (View -> Page Style -> No Style) but it got more messed up and tried changing font size but still got no improvement. Helpp me pls~

Asked by Gwick преди 1 година

Answered by cor-el преди 1 година

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Unable to login to the ASUS router

Good morning, after today's FF update, it is not possible to login to the ASUS router (https://router.asus.com/). Yesterday everything was working fine before the update… (прочетете още)

Good morning, after today's FF update, it is not possible to login to the ASUS router (https://router.asus.com/). Yesterday everything was working fine before the update.

1. Does not work in private mode 2. Clearing the cookies did nothing. 3. You can log into the router in Chrome. 4. I don't have plugins installed.

FF v.104, Win10Prof

Any ideas? Regards.

Asked by teksty2005 преди 1 година

Последен отговор от cor-elпреди 1 година

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Tabbs on Bottom

Woke up this morning, opened up Firefox and the Trolls have been busy rearranging things during the night. My profile manager disappeared, but I was able to fix that. N… (прочетете още)

Woke up this morning, opened up Firefox and the Trolls have been busy rearranging things during the night. My profile manager disappeared, but I was able to fix that. Now my tabs are out of place and I cannot find what to do to put the Tabs back on bottom, "The way they Should be". Help, please.


Also, I am not real computer literate, so draw pictures if necessary.

Thank you.

Asked by Anne's Place преди 1 година

Последен отговор от Anne's Placeпреди 1 година

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Where is Firefox profile for 104.0

Hi I put "about:support" in the URL field. The pressed "Open folder" button on the profile folder section on the troubleshooting page, then I got an error: "Location is n… (прочетете още)

Hi I put "about:support" in the URL field. The pressed "Open folder" button on the profile folder section on the troubleshooting page, then I got an error: "Location is not available." I looked for the folder, but I could not. "about:support" describes the location "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\forv3n79.default-release but the Roamig folder does not contain "Mozzilla" folder and the subdirectories.

I want to take the backup as the purpose.

I suppose this is a bug. So, could you fix it?

Thanks, G

Asked by Gee580 преди 1 година

Последен отговор от Gee580преди 1 година

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when I try to download the QU210Installfiles.exe FireFox adds a .jpg to it making it QU210InstallFiles.exe.jpg

FireFox keeps putting a .jpg at the end of any file I try to download with .exe as its extension and adds a .jpg, example, when I download QU210InstallFiles.exe it change… (прочетете още)

FireFox keeps putting a .jpg at the end of any file I try to download with .exe as its extension and adds a .jpg, example, when I download QU210InstallFiles.exe it changes it to QU210InstallFiles.exe.jpg and I cannot there for install the program because it has the .jpg added to it and it wants to open in windows media viewer instead. It never use to do this, what have you guys done....uuhhhh, any help would be nice and I thank you. Daniel Goggia

Asked by danielos2 преди 1 година

Answered by danielos2 преди 1 година

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Failed Update ... What next?

My wife has an older Mac. About a week ago, a pop-up from Firefox told her to update her program. She loaded in the new one and when she tried to open it she got the mess… (прочетете още)

My wife has an older Mac. About a week ago, a pop-up from Firefox told her to update her program. She loaded in the new one and when she tried to open it she got the message that her computer was too old for the update.

We had to reload the most recent update which had been running on her computer.

Now, none of her bookmarks show up and the bookmark toolbar will not display near the top of the screen as it used to.

None of help items online are of any use because what they say will show up on the screen (such as when you enter "about:profiles") is not what shows up on her screen.

Is there any way to recover her bookmarks, passwords and other saved data, please?

Asked by tomcarney8985 преди 1 година

Answered by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer преди 1 година