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Address bar suggestions suddenly wrong
As of an hour ago suddenly all of the usual suggestions and autofill with bookmarks in my address bar are wrong and out of order. I didn't close out of or update Firefox,… (read more)
As of an hour ago suddenly all of the usual suggestions and autofill with bookmarks in my address bar are wrong and out of order. I didn't close out of or update Firefox, I was just browsing online. I didn't change anything in my settings or have opened that up in days at the minimum. I cannot figure out how to either revert back or tell Firefox to not show me these choices so I can get my old ones.
I'll give an example: When I typed in "ma" it would show me mangadex.com, which I often go to. Now when I do it not only is 5th on the list it shows up and fills in "https://www.manticgames.com/", which I don't have that specific page bookmarked. I have "https://www.manticgames.com/games/kings-of-war/" bookmarked, but not that homepage. But now all of a sudden it is showing me the homepage of that site when I begin to type in "ma".
This is incredibly irritating and I have no idea why it's doing this at me out of nowhere. I don't want about anything showing up besides my bookmarks and specifically only the pages I bookmarked.